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How do I solve this ODE system containing symbolic matrices ?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Vignesh Kumar
Vignesh Kumar 2015년 11월 4일
Initial Conditions: k1(0)=0; k2(0) = 0
All the variables in the equations are matrices. M,A,F,C etc are known. I(t) has been evaluated and is to be substituted in the second equation. It's of the form I(t)=k2(0)+k2(1)+k2(3)+....k2(t)
I had defined k2 as symbolic matrix of (t,1) size. Should I also define k1 of a similar size symbolically and proceed?
I am sorry but this is my first Matlab attempt. I am attempting to use it to countercheck my experimental results. i am not familiar with which ode solver to use.
I am very grateful for your help in advance.

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