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delay and sum beamforming(in frequency domain)

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
zozo 2011년 12월 14일
편집: John Kelly 2014년 5월 27일
I have 8 microphones (excluding the origin[0;0]) arranged in circular geometry. And I have a sound source placed at a certain location (say 2mts) away from the array. The source should produce signal(say sinusoid) and it should impinge on microphones with certain delays due to its geometry.
Now i need to simulate this idea in MATLAB and plot the beam pattern by performing beamforming for the microphone array.
Here is my code so far:
clear all
close all
Antenna_X_Pos=[-0.0025; 0.1406; -0.0685;-0.1134;0.1160;0.0640;-0.1471;-0.0013];
Antenna_Z_Pos=[0.3446;0.2975;0.2605;0.2179;0.1770;0.1361; 0.0928 ; 0.2177];
for j=1:360
[SP_X(j) SP_Y(j)] = pol2cart(theta(j),10);
for i=1:numel(Antenna_X_Pos)
Distance(i,j) = sqrt((Antenna_X_Pos(i) - SP_X(j))^2 +(Antenna_Y_Pos(i) - SP_Y(j))^2);
mMinusM1 = bsxfun(@minus,Distance,Dist_m);
speed_sound = 340; %speed of sound in meters
Time_delay = (mMinusM1/speed_sound)*10e3; %time delay in milliseconds
plot(Time_delay); % time delay plot for 8 microphones(including the origin of array)
Now how can I place the source(say a sinusoid) at the particular location and perform beamforming using the microphone array from that particular direction where the source is placed?
My final goal is to simulate conventional beamformer (Delay and Sum) algorithm.
am I missing some idea/trick? please help!!

채택된 답변

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2011년 12월 15일
Hi Zoro,
What you have so far is calculating the delays between the elements. The next steps will be
(1) simulate the received signal at each element. Here you need to use the delay you just calculated to delay the signal at each element accordingly.
(2) You can then use delay and sum beamformer to align the received together and see the combined signal.
(1) and (2) are essentially inverse operations. Because you are dealing with microphone signals, the signal by nature is wideband. So there are two ways you can do it, either you do the delay-and-sum in the time domain or you have to break the signal into narrowbands, do the delay-and-sum in frequency domain at each band and then combine result at each narrowband together to get the final result.
  댓글 수: 1
zozo 2011년 12월 29일
I have succesfully carried out the steps you suggested above and now I have a combined signal of dimensions 1x3001.
Now I would like to plot the beampattern for the signal to check if it localises the source I had placed at (SP_X, SP_Y, SP_Z) that is have my main lobe should be at those angles(azimuth,elevation).
How can I go about doing this from my signal above (1x3001) ?

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추가 답변 (1개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2011년 12월 14일
편집: John Kelly 2014년 5월 27일
Hi Zozo, Are you able to use the Phased Array System Toolbox?
The Phased Array System Toolbox has a delay-sum narrowband beamformer (as well as a number of other beamforming algorithms).
See Narrowband (Phase Shift) Beamformer with a ULA for an example.
You can simulate arrays and directional of arrival easily.
  댓글 수: 3
Wayne King
Wayne King 2011년 12월 14일
The Phased Array Toolbox is all written in the MATLAB language. If you own that toolbox, you are able to see the MATLAB code.
zozo 2011년 12월 14일
yes I know..but i dont have it in my version of MATLAB. :(
I use version 7.10.0(R2010a)

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