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How do I replace a single word in a text file while maintaining all other text?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Brad 2015년 8월 26일
편집: dpb 2015년 8월 28일

I have a text file (Original_Text.txt) containing the following lines;

ESPN is on sale

Other text

ESPN can be found here

some more text

ESPN costs this much

Last of the text

I am attempting to replace ESPN with ESPN_Magazine while retain all other text in the file. The resulting Modified_Text.txt file should contain the following;

ESPN_Magazine is on sale

Other text

ESPN_Magazine can be found here

some more text

ESPN_Magazine costs this much

Last of the text

I am using the following MATLAB code;

% Clear variables, close all open files, and clear out the command window
clear all;
% open files for reading and writing
Original_File = fopen('Original_Text.txt','r') ;
Modified_File = fopen('Modified_Text.txt','w') ;
% Replace all occurences of ESPN with ESPN_Magazine while retain all other
% text in the file
while ( ~feof(Original_File) )
  % read line from original text file
  str = fgets(Original_File) ;
  % match line to regular expression to determine if replacement needed
  match = regexp(str,'ESPN ', 'match') ;
  % if ESPN is to be replaced
  if ( ~isempty(match) ) 
    str = ['ESPN_Magazine ', char(10)] ;
  % write line to modified text filewriting file
  fwrite(Modified_File,str) ;

And I’m getting the following result:


Other text


some more text


Last of the text

How do I get MATLAB to include the rest of the text from the original file?

채택된 답변

dpb 2015년 8월 26일
편집: dpb 2015년 8월 26일
if ~isempty(match)
str = strrep(str,'ESPN','ESPN_Magazine ');
  댓글 수: 2
Brad 2015년 8월 27일
Whoops. I forgot all about the function strrrep.
Thanks dqb.
dpb 2015년 8월 27일
편집: dpb 2015년 8월 28일
And actually, you only need
while ~feof(Original_File)
str = fgets(Original_File);
fwrite(Modified_File,strrep(str,'ESPN','ESPN_Magazine ');
there's no need to even test for the inclusion of the string first, strrep will do that automagically. One further step is that can do without the temporary variable str as well.

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