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Do anyone code this paper http://lin​k.springer​.com/chapt​er/10.1007​/978-3-642​-23223-7_1​3 "A Research on Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm " by Jun Li, Sheng Ding

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Need for my project. Please help me.

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015년 8월 4일
I cannot read the full paper without paying $US30 for the chapter. I am able to find the first couple of pages by using Google. One of the images that is used for illustration is the peppers image that is distributed with MATLAB. There is a possibility that the implication is the authors wrote their code using MATLAB (but perhaps they found the image somewhere else.) Have you tried writing to the corresponding author to request their code?
If the corresponding author does not have MATLAB code then the answer appears to be No, there is no public version of the MATLAB code for that available.
  댓글 수: 2
David Young
David Young 2015년 8월 4일
I had a look at the paper. The authors use the cameraman image as well as peppers, so it does seem probable that their implementation is in MATLAB.
Although the ideas may be of some interest (specifically replacing Gaussian smoothing by spline smoothing), I didn't find either their theoretical analysis or their experimental results compelling. In particular, they rely on visual comparison of edge images generated by their algorithm and by Canny's algorithm, but they don't say how they chose the parameters for Canny. That's crucial, because the results they show for Canny look to me like they could be improved by adjusting the parameters.
The code might be helpful, but you should not, I think, raise your expectations too much.
Md. Sabir Hossain
Md. Sabir Hossain 2015년 8월 5일
This is not my full project. I have just use the concept to detect the edge of the compressed image.Thank you all for your kindness.

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Meg Noah
Meg Noah 2020년 1월 10일


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