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How can I make this graphic?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa 2015년 6월 25일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
I have this data Click here for data.
I want to know how can I make a graphic (see below). How can I connect the numbers from the first column the numbers with the second columns. And I need to make the lines connecting the points become thicker to be more links. I make this command for calc %.
maxdata = max(data(:,1:2));
counts = accumarray(data(:,1:2), 1, [maxdata(1,1), maxdata(1,2)]);
for i = 1:maxdata(1,1)
for j = 1:maxdata(1,2)
link(i,j) = counts(i,j)
somalink = sum(link(:));
porcentagem = link./somalink.*100;

답변 (1개)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene 2015년 6월 25일
편집: Chad Greene 2015년 6월 25일
No need for loops. And note, when you do use loops, try to avoid using i and j as variable names--they're the imaginary unit. Overwriting i and j rarely causes a problem, but when it does it can be tough to debug.
A = [9 1 2 4;
9 2 1 2;
8 2 2 6;
6 1 3 3;
3 4 1 3;
8 2 2 8;
8 1 1 5;
6 1 2 8;
6 1 3 8;
9 3 2 9;
8 4 2 6;
1 2 1 1;
10 4 3 9;
4 2 3 9;
8 5 2 5;
5 2 2 1;
2 3 3 8;
7 3 1 1;
2 2 3 2;
3 5 2 1;
6 3 3 2;
5 5 1 3;
5 3 2 9;
3 5 3 5;
3 3 2 7];
plot([1 2],A(:,1:2),'ko-','markersize',20,'linewidth',2,'markerfacecolor','w')
axis([0 3 0 11])
axis off
  댓글 수: 4
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa 2015년 6월 26일
편집: Image Analyst 2015년 6월 26일
From the first sentence, are you saying that one node and another node is connected N times, then you'd like a line connecting them to be N pixels wide, whereas if it's just connected once, the line is 1 pixel wide? Yes. It is
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015년 6월 26일
편집: Image Analyst 2015년 6월 26일
OK, your new/edited graphic above helps explain the thickness question. Note the 'linewidth' option in plot. You'll have to plot the lines one at a time, varying the linewidth parameter for each line segment.
Now, what about the line length question? Your answer seems to have been cut off.

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