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Cell Dates to Timestamp conversion

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Emmanouil Barmpounakis
Emmanouil Barmpounakis 2015년 6월 24일
댓글: Emmanouil Barmpounakis 2015년 6월 24일
I have a 3480x2 cell. The first column shows the date (6/24/2015) and the second one shows the hour (8:33:49). How can I create a new array where the first column will appear as a UNIX timestamp?
For example, C(1,1)=1435134829 (which is equal to 6/24/2015 - 8:33:49).

채택된 답변

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2015년 6월 24일
In MATLAB R2014b or later, using datetime:
>> c = {'6/24/2015' '8:33:49'; '6/24/2015' '8:33:48'}
c =
'6/24/2015' '8:33:49'
'6/24/2015' '8:33:48'
>> d = datetime(strcat(c(:,1),{' '},c(:,2)))
d =
24-Jun-2015 08:33:49
24-Jun-2015 08:33:48
>> format long g
>> posixtime(d)
ans =
Hope this helps.
  댓글 수: 1
Emmanouil Barmpounakis
Emmanouil Barmpounakis 2015년 6월 24일
Thank you for your reply. It works perfectly .

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