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How to execute 2 functions simultaneously in the same loop on a GUI

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Adam Taher
Adam Taher 2015년 5월 29일
댓글: Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh 2015년 5월 29일
I have a program that uses DAQ to generate signals. I have a timer that runs between a specific range. But I want the timer to keep running even if the signal is generating. What I mean, is that the code that generates the signal has its own time... So when the period of generation is done, my timer restarts where it was.
Example: while(something) time = time + 1; pause(1);
if time == 1 generate signal code (for 5 seconds); end; end;
after generating is finished, time = 2, =3, etc. But I want time to keep running while generating signal.
Any idea? should I use global, persistent variable for time?
  댓글 수: 3
Adam Taher
Adam Taher 2015년 5월 29일
편집: Adam Taher 2015년 5월 29일
My code is something like: (i'm using GUI)
handles.time = 0;
handles.time = handles.time + 1; pause(1); % this will make my counter increment every 1 second.
if handles.time == 5
Generation signal code over here (this code has its own period of time)
end; end;
So what happens is when time == 5, the generation code executes, but my handles.time stops counting, it doesn't keep running, which I understand why. It restarts counting AFTER that the generation code finishes. But what I want, is that handles.time is able to keep running WHILE the generation code is executing.
So I was wondering if there is a function that could help.
Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh
Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh 2015년 5월 29일
Ok Adam, that's a bit better now!
Generally that's not a good way of keeping the track of time. you can make the while loop running. you can either make a timer object, or even make it easier and use tic toc commands
Anyhow, tic toc will keep the track of time for you while another code is running ;)
Good luck!

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Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh
Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh 2015년 5월 29일
Ok Adam, that's a bit better now!
Generally that's not a good way of keeping the track of time. you can make the while loop running. you can either make a timer object, or even make it easier and use tic toc commands
Anyhow, tic toc will keep the track of time for you while another code is running ;)
Good luck!


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