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Tuning ExperienceHorizon hyperparamter for PPO agent (Reinforcement Learning)

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to train a PPO agent, and I would like to change the value for the ExperienceHorizon hyperparameter (Options for PPO agent - MATLAB - MathWorks Switzerland)
When I try another value than the default, the agent wait for the end of the episode to update its policy. For example, ExperienceHorizon=1024 don't work for me, dispite the episode's lenght of more than 1024 steps. I'm also not using Parallel training.
I also get the same issue if I change the MiniBatchSize from its default value.
Is there anything I've missed about this parameter?
If anyone could help, that would be very nice!
Thanks a lot in advance,

채택된 답변

Alan 2024년 8월 1일
편집: Alan 2024년 8월 1일
Hi Nicolas,
I could not figure out how to record the episode or step index at which the agent’s policy is updated so I could not verify the behaviour of various combinations of options.
From my understanding, I could think of the following possibilities for updating the policy late:
  1. During the training phase, none of the episodes reached 2 ExperienceHorizon’s worth of steps due to reaching termination conditions early. So the policy update might be happening with a combination of steps from different episodes.
  2. The MaxStepsPerEpisode parameter in the training options could be more than ExperienceHorizon, thereby causing the episode to terminate early. By training options I mean the ones that are passed to the train() function via an argument list, or via a rlTrainingOptions object (https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2023b/reinforcement-learning/ref/rl.option.rltrainingoptions.html)
  3. The MiniBatchSize parameter defines the size of the chunks that the experience buffer is divided into before running an epoch of training on the policy network. If ExperienceHorizon is less than MiniBatchSize, it could cause issues. So, ensure that ExperienceHorizon is a multiple of MiniBatchSize.
I hope this helped.

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