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MCR compile dll for 32-bit application on a 64-bit windows 7 computer

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Youhua Chen
Youhua Chen 2015년 4월 21일
답변: KAE 2017년 7월 17일
My development computer is 64-bit windows 7 with R2015a 64bit installed. The target machine is a computer with 32-bit windows 7 and MCR 32-bit installed. I used deploytool to compile my m files to dll files. On my development computer, I tested these dll files working well which are called by a 64-bit application. But on the target machine, it is failed. I think the reason is the compiled dlls are only for 64-bit. my question is if there is any way to compile dlls for 32-bit application by a 64-bit matlab. If not, shall I uninstall 64-bit matlab and install a 32-bit version.

답변 (1개)

KAE 2017년 7월 17일
You don't need to uninstall the 64 bit version. Just download and install R2015b (the last 32-bit version that Matlab released). You can have them both on your machine.


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