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Access Excel-File stored in Microsoft OneDrive

조회 수: 26 (최근 30일)
Sebastian Stumpf
Sebastian Stumpf 2024년 2월 9일
댓글: Sebastian Stumpf 2024년 4월 12일
Hello all,
I have an Excel-File which is stored in Microsoft OneDrive, but no locally. I have the web-link which leads to the Excel-File. How can I access and store the data in my Matlab Workspace?
xlsread is not working and also websave does not do what I want.
Which code or function may help me to achieve this?
I am using matlab R2023b.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,
  댓글 수: 4
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2024년 2월 9일
Could you share the file or the link to it?
Also, please share what the expected output is.
Sebastian Stumpf
Sebastian Stumpf 2024년 2월 27일
sorry for the late response. I was on vacation. Please find the link here: LiftCalc License.xlsx
I expect a Matlab Table to look like this:
Thank you for the support.
Kind regards,

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채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 2월 9일
You need to first use websave() or urlread() to read the contents of the file into local memory.
  댓글 수: 4
Sebastian Stumpf
Sebastian Stumpf 2024년 2월 28일
Ok, I understand. This is bad news. Do you have any other idea how to create an Excel-File or similiar table and store it online but in a way that Matlab can access the information stored in this online-table? Reading is enough. No need to write something from Matlab to the table. Thanks
Sebastian Stumpf
Sebastian Stumpf 2024년 4월 12일
I figuered out, that it's working with DropBox. If you have a public link and change the last value db=0 to db=1, you can access the files directly.

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