Handling Undesirable Characters in Numeric Columns When Reading a CSV File
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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Dear all,
I need to read a .csv file which has some numeric columns that contain undesirable characters, so when I import it using readtable, the lines with these characters ( [u.]) are showed as NAN. Is it possible to remove it before? Or maybe read it as char, then remove and convert to double?
Here some lines of the file:
댓글 수: 3
채택된 답변
2024년 1월 31일
편집: Stephen23
2024년 1월 31일
You should NOT make changes to the original data file.
fnm = 'p1.csv';
opt = detectImportOptions(fnm, 'FileType','delimitedtext',...
'Delimiter',';', 'DecimalSeparator',',', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
opt = setvartype(opt,'double');
opt = setvartype(opt,'MoveStop','datetime');
opt = setvartype(opt,'Operador','string');
idx = strcmp('double',opt.VariableTypes);
opt = setvaropts(opt,idx,'TrimNonNumeric',true);
tbl = readtable(fnm,opt)
tbl = convertvars(tbl,@isstring,@(s)regexprep(s,'\s+\[.*','')) % optional
tbl(180:190,:) % checking the rows where [u.] first appears:
추가 답변 (1개)
Austin M. Weber
2024년 1월 31일
편집: Austin M. Weber
2024년 1월 31일
If you have Microsoft Excel (or Google Sheets) you can use the Replace Tool to get rid of the [u.] in all of the columns. Simply open your CSV file in Excel, choose the "Replace" tool (I think the shortcut in Windows is Ctrl+H). A dialog box should appear. In the "Find what:" box type [u.] and leave the "Replace with:" box blank. Then click the "Replace All" button. This should get rid of all instances of [u.] in your spreadsheet. Just save the CSV and then you can load it into MATLAB as normal.
Alternatively, you could probably also do this in MATLAB by converting the numeric columns into strings and then using the strrep function:
% Read table data
T = readtable('table_name.csv')
% Extract the numeric columns in the table
numeric_data = T{:,2:10};
% Convert to strings
numeric_strings = string(numeric_data);
% Delete [u.]
numeric_strings = strrep(numeric_strings, '[u.]','');
% Convert back to numeric data
numeric_data = str2num(numeric_strings);
% Insert back into the table
T{:,2:10} = numeric_data;
Try either of these and let me know if they work.
댓글 수: 5
Austin M. Weber
2024년 1월 31일
@Geovane Gomes, I did not see that you had shared your CSV file before I submitted my original answer. But I just I did the Excel procedure with the file and it seems to work perfectly. When I finished, I saved the file as a tab-delimited text file rather than a CSV so that the commas in your numbers aren't confused as delimiters. You can load the file in MATLAB by typing:
T = readtable('p1_tab_delimited.txt','Delimiter','tab');
2024년 1월 31일
"I think I'll have to remove it using another tool before import."
Not required, you can use the import options.
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