필터 지우기
필터 지우기

-> Solver reported unboundness of the dual problem. -> Your SOS problem is probably infeasible (SOS is dualized). please help me fix this error

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
L = 4.0793; %Boom length [m]
%l = 2.69; %Wire rope length [m]
% l = 1.5;
Theta3 = 0.512410977; %Boom hois angle[rad]
m = 2; %Suspended load[kg]
g = 9.81; %Gravity acceleration[m/s2]
Cb = 2.129; %viscosity damping coefficient of boom
Cl = 0;
I_4b = 7.189; %Moment of inertia around Z-axis
%spring constant
K = 142.83; %サミニ 型番:12-2232S
% K = 10^5; %剛体
A0 = [0 0 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 1;
-(g*I_4b+m*g*(L*sin(Theta3))^2)/(I_4b) K*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) -K*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) 0 Cb*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) -Cb*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b);
m*g*L*sin(Theta3)/I_4b -K/I_4b K/I_4b 0 -Cb/I_4b Cb/I_4b;
0 0 0 0 0 0];
B0 = [0;0;0;0;0;1];
C0 = [1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 0];
D0 = zeros(2,1);
A1 = [0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0;
(g*I_4b-m*g*(L*sin(Theta3))^2)/(I_4b) -K*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) K*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) 0 -Cb*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b) Cb*L*sin(Theta3)/(I_4b);
0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0];
B1 = [0;0;0;0;0;0];
C1 = [0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0];
At_0 = [ A0 zeros(6,2)
-C0 zeros(2,2) ];
At_1 = [ A1 zeros(6,2)
-C1 zeros(2,2) ];
Bt_0 = [ B0
Bt_1 = [ B1
n = length(At_0);
m = size(Bt_0,2);
Q = diag([100 30 10 200 10 10 1 1]);
R = 10;
la_max = 2.6;
la_min = 0.1;
la0_max = 2.6;
la0_min = 0.1;
w_max = 0.12;
p_max = 1-1/(la_max);
p_min = 1-1/(la_min);
p0_max = 1-1/(la0_max);
p0_min = 1-1/(la0_min);
sdpvar p p0 w;
g1 = (p-p_min)*(p_max - p);
g2 = (p0-p0_min)*(p0_max - p0);
g3a = w_max - w;
g3b = w_max + w;
gamma = sdpvar(1,1);
X_0 = sdpvar(n,n,'symmetric');
X_1 = sdpvar(n,n,'symmetric');
X_2 = sdpvar(n,n,'symmetric');
L_0 = sdpvar(1,n);
L_1 = sdpvar(1,n);
L_2 = sdpvar(1,n);
X = X_0 + p*X_1 + p^2*X_2;
dX = p*X_1 + 2*p*w*X_2;
L = L_0 + p*L_1 + p^2*L_2;
X_p0 = X_0 + p0*X_1 + p0^2*X_2;
z1 = monolist(p,1);
z2 = monolist(p0,1);
z3 = monolist(p,3);
S11 = qf_polynomial(z1,n);
S22 = qf_polynomial(z2,n);
S31 = qf_polynomial(z3,n);
Sa33 = qf_polynomial(z3,n);
Sb33 = qf_polynomial(z3,n);
At = At_0 + p*At_1;
Bt = Bt_0 + p*Bt_1;
M1 = X;
M2 = [ X_p0 eye(n)
eye(n) gamma*eye(n)];
M3 = - [ -dX+(At*X+Bt*L)'+(At*X+Bt*L) X*sqrtm(Q) L'*sqrtm(R)
sqrtm(Q)*X -eye(n) zeros(n,m)
sqrtm(R)*L zeros(m,n) -eye(m) ];
ep = 1e-6;
M1 = M1 - S11*g1 - ep*eye(n);
M2 = M2 - blkdiag(S22*g2+ep*eye(n),zeros(n));
M3 = M3 - blkdiag(S31*g1+Sa33*g3a+Sb33*g3b+ep*eye(n),zeros(n),zeros(m));
CON = [sos(S11),sos(S22),sos(S31),sos(Sa33),sos(Sb33)];
CON = [CON,sos(M1),sos(M2),sos(M3)];
params = recover(setdiff(depends(CON),depends([p0,p,w])));
OBJ = gamma;
gamma_obj = 1.06*double(gamma);
[sol,monos,calQ] = solvesos([CON,gamma<=gamma_obj],[],[],params);
X_0 = double(X_0);
X_1 = double(X_1);
X_2 = double(X_2);
L_0 = double(L_0);
L_1 = double(L_1);
L_2 = double(L_2);
Kt_lq = - lqr(At_0,Bt_0,Q,R);
K1_lq = Kt_lq(1:5);
K2_lq = Kt_lq(6);
num = 0;
for la = linspace(0.1,0.1,2.6)
num = num + 1;
para = 1-1/la;
X = X_0 + para*X_1 + para^2*X_2;
L = L_0 + para*L_1 + para^2*L_2;
K = L*inv(X);
K11(1,num) = K(1);
K12(1,num) = K(2);
K13(1,num) = K(3);
K14(1,num) = K(4);
K15(1,num) = K(5);
K2(1,num) = K(6);
% reference, disturbance
t_di = 0;
r1 = 2; k = 1;
% r0 = 45*pi/180; k = 6/8;
% r0 = 30*pi/180; k = 4/8;
d1 = 0;
% ----------------------------
% initial state
theta2_0 = 0;
theta4_0 = 0;
theta5_0 = 0;
dtheta2_0 = 0;
dtheta4_0 = 0;
dtheta5_0 = 0;
% ----------------------------
% J < gamma*x_0^T*x_0 (gamma <= gamma_obj)
>> Untitled31
YALMIP SOS module started...
Detected 1989 parametric variables and 3 independent variables.
Detected 0 linear inequalities, 0 equality constraints and 0 LMIs.
Using kernel representation (options.sos.model=1).
Initially 2 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 2 monomials (0.03125sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 2 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 2 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0.015625sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 3 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 3 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 3 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 3 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 9 monomials in R^2
Newton polytope (2 LPs).........Keeping 5 monomials (0.375sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
SeDuMi 1.3.7 by AdvOL, 2005-2008 and Jos F. Sturm, 1998-2003.
Alg = 2: xz-corrector, theta = 0.250, beta = 0.500
eqs m = 3461, order n = 288, dim = 15680, blocks = 10
nnz(A) = 14363 + 0, nnz(ADA) = 6577009, nnz(L) = 3290235
it : b*y gap delta rate t/tP* t/tD* feas cg cg prec
0 : 7.25E-02 0.000
1 : 2.57E-01 4.82E-02 0.000 0.6648 0.9000 0.9000 1.60 1 1 3.0E+00
2 : 7.05E-01 2.28E-02 0.000 0.4720 0.9000 0.9000 2.26 1 1 9.7E-01
3 : 1.34E+00 8.55E-03 0.000 0.3755 0.9000 0.9000 1.13 1 1 3.6E-01
4 : 2.57E+00 2.57E-03 0.000 0.3002 0.9000 0.9000 0.44 1 1 1.7E-01
5 : 4.13E+00 9.19E-04 0.000 0.3582 0.9000 0.9000 0.12 1 1 1.0E-01
6 : 5.53E+00 4.49E-04 0.000 0.4891 0.9000 0.9000 0.07 1 1 7.8E-02
7 : 7.14E+00 2.31E-04 0.000 0.5132 0.9000 0.9000 0.04 1 1 5.9E-02
8 : 8.18E+00 1.53E-04 0.000 0.6652 0.9000 0.9000 -0.06 1 1 5.2E-02
9 : 1.07E+01 7.51E-05 0.000 0.4895 0.9000 0.9000 -0.11 1 1 4.0E-02
10 : 1.32E+01 4.36E-05 0.000 0.5801 0.9000 0.9000 -0.03 1 1 3.1E-02
11 : 1.51E+01 2.79E-05 0.000 0.6414 0.9000 0.9000 -0.11 1 1 2.8E-02
12 : 1.99E+01 1.32E-05 0.000 0.4740 0.9000 0.9000 -0.12 1 1 2.0E-02
13 : 2.44E+01 7.42E-06 0.000 0.5599 0.9000 0.9000 -0.04 2 2 1.6E-02
14 : 2.71E+01 5.23E-06 0.000 0.7057 0.9000 0.9000 -0.08 2 2 1.5E-02
15 : 3.19E+01 3.18E-06 0.000 0.6081 0.9000 0.9000 -0.14 2 2 1.2E-02
16 : 3.97E+01 1.81E-06 0.000 0.5695 0.9000 0.9000 -0.07 2 2 9.7E-03
17 : 4.52E+01 1.15E-06 0.000 0.6341 0.9000 0.9000 -0.13 4 4 8.6E-03
18 : 5.93E+01 5.45E-07 0.000 0.4740 0.9000 0.9000 -0.12 4 4 6.3E-03
19 : 7.02E+01 3.15E-07 0.000 0.5790 0.9000 0.9000 -0.10 5 5 5.3E-03
20 : 8.94E+01 1.58E-07 0.000 0.5025 0.9000 0.9000 -0.07 7 5 4.0E-03
21 : 1.03E+02 1.00E-07 0.000 0.6315 0.9000 0.9000 -0.07 7 7 3.5E-03
22 : 1.24E+02 5.58E-08 0.000 0.5579 0.9000 0.9000 -0.09 18 18 2.8E-03
Run into numerical problems.
iter seconds |Ax| [Ay]_+ |x| |y|
22 51.5 1.4e-03 9.3e-04 2.8e+00 8.5e+01
Failed: no sensible solution/direction found.
Detailed timing (sec)
Pre IPM Post
3.990E-01 4.386E+01 2.099E-02
Max-norms: ||b||=3.735399e-01, ||c|| = 1,
Cholesky |add|=1, |skip| = 16, ||L.L|| = 7750.16.
ans =
struct with fields:
yalmipversion: '20230622'
matlabversion: ' (R2020a) Update 8'
yalmiptime: 6.3713
solvertime: 44.2827
info: 'Numerical problems (learn to debug) (SeDuMi)'
problem: 4
YALMIP SOS module started...
Detected 1989 parametric variables and 3 independent variables.
Detected 1 linear inequalities, 0 equality constraints and 0 LMIs.
Using kernel representation (options.sos.model=1).
Initially 2 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 2 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 2 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 2 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 4 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 4 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 3 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 3 monomials (0.03125sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 3 monomials in R^1
Newton polytope (0 LPs).........Keeping 3 monomials (0sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
Initially 9 monomials in R^2
Newton polytope (2 LPs).........Keeping 5 monomials (0.23438sec)
Finding symmetries..............Found no symmetries (0sec)
SeDuMi 1.3.7 by AdvOL, 2005-2008 and Jos F. Sturm, 1998-2003.
Alg = 2: xz-corrector, theta = 0.250, beta = 0.500
eqs m = 3462, order n = 289, dim = 15681, blocks = 10
nnz(A) = 14365 + 0, nnz(ADA) = 6581274, nnz(L) = 3292368
it : b*y gap delta rate t/tP* t/tD* feas cg cg prec
0 : 9.69E-02 0.000
1 : 1.12E-02 6.40E-02 0.000 0.6604 0.9000 0.9000 1.32 1 1 3.0E+00
2 : 5.60E-02 3.06E-02 0.000 0.4776 0.9000 0.9000 1.00 1 1 1.6E+00
3 : 3.11E-01 1.15E-02 0.000 0.3750 0.9000 0.9000 0.35 1 1 1.1E+00
4 : 1.52E+00 3.49E-03 0.000 0.3044 0.9000 0.9000 -0.59 1 1 1.1E+00
5 : 5.88E+00 9.25E-04 0.000 0.2651 0.9000 0.9000 -0.84 1 1 1.0E+00
6 : 2.80E+01 1.85E-04 0.000 0.2005 0.9000 0.9000 -0.95 1 1 9.8E-01
7 : 2.69E+02 1.85E-05 0.063 0.0999 0.9900 0.9900 -0.98 1 1 9.4E-01
8 : 8.30E+02 5.88E-06 0.000 0.3176 0.9000 0.9000 -0.99 1 2 9.3E-01
9 : 3.59E+03 1.36E-06 0.000 0.2307 0.9000 0.9000 -1.00 2 2 9.3E-01
10 : 1.63E+04 2.99E-07 0.000 0.2200 0.9000 0.9000 -1.00 3 3 9.2E-01
11 : 7.58E+04 6.58E-08 0.000 0.2205 0.9000 0.9000 -1.00 41 51 9.4E-01
Run into numerical problems.
Primal infeasible, dual improving direction found.
iter seconds |Ax| [Ay]_+ |x| |y|
11 34.4 1.5e-05 2.2e-06 1.4e+01 9.7e+01
Detailed timing (sec)
Pre IPM Post
7.050E-01 2.916E+01 1.301E-02
Max-norms: ||b||=3.735399e-01, ||c|| = 0,
Cholesky |add|=0, |skip| = 373, ||L.L|| = 41.8489.
-> Solver reported unboundness of the dual problem.
-> Your SOS problem is probably infeasible (SOS is dualized).
gamma_obj =
ans =

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