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How can I resolve the error in output for a WSN simulation in MATLAB

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
I tried to design a WSN simulation using LEACH protocol.
After running the code, I get the following:
Network Lifetime: 600 seconds
Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): 0.10032
Energy Efficiency: Inf
Throughput: 501.5833 packets per second
End-to-End Delay: NaN seconds
Latency: NaN seconds
Overhead Ratio: 0
Routing Overhead: 0
Reliability: 0
Spectral Efficiency: 10.0317
Resilience to Node Failures: 0
Coverage Area: 1000 square meters
Why am I getting, ZerosNaN,
Kind Note: I made the following as comments as it reduces online compilation performance:
% Display Results
%disp('Node Data:');
%('Aggregated Data:');
I appreciate your help.
The following is the code:
% Define Parameters
transmitPower = 10; % Transmit Power (mW)
packetSize = 100; % Packet Size (Bytes)
transmitEnergy = 80 * 10^-3; % Transmit Energy (Joules)
receiveEnergy = 50 * 10^-3; % Receive Energy (Joules)
idleEnergy = 20 * 10^-3; % Idle Energy (Joules)
sleepEnergy = 5 * 10^-6; % Sleep Energy (Joules)
numNodes = 50; % Number of Nodes
areaSize = [500, 500]; % Deployment Area Size (meters)
initialEnergy = 5; % Initial Energy Level (Joules per Node)
simulationTime = 600; % Simulation Duration (Seconds)
dutyCycle = 5; % Sleep-Wake Scheduling (Duty Cycle %)
dataAggregationInterval = 10; % Data Aggregation Interval (Seconds)
aggregationFactor = 5; % Example value, adjust as needed
sentPackets = 0; % Initialize to 0
receivedPackets = 0; % Initialize to 0
energyConsumed = 0; % Initialize to 0
endToEndDelay = 0; % Initialize to 0
overhead = 0; % Initialize to 0
reliability = 0; % Initialize to 0
totalPacketsSent = 0; % Initialize to 0
totalPacketsReceived = 0; %Initialize to 0
totalEnergyConsumed = 0; %Initialize to 0
totalEndToEndDelay = 0; %Initialize to 0
totalOverhead = 0; %Initialize to 0
totalReliability = 0; %Initialize to 0
nodeData = rand(numNodes, 1); % Initialize with random data for each node
% Initialize node positions randomly within the area
nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) .* repmat(areaSize, numNodes, 1);
% Initialize node energy levels
nodeEnergy = ones(numNodes, 1) * initialEnergy;
% Initialize Energy levels
E_min = 1; % Define minimum energy threshold
E_max = 10; % Define maximum energy threshold
E = ones(1, numNodes) * initialEnergy;
% Simulation Loop
for t = 1:simulationTime
% Implement routing protocol (Modified LEACH protocol)
rounds = 100; % Set to 100 rounds
roundLength = 10; % Set round length to 10
P = 0.1; % Set P to 0.1 (10% probability)
dataSize = packetSize * 8; % Convert packet size to bits
for round = 1:rounds
% Cluster Head Selection
if mod(round, roundLength) == 1
clusterHeads = rand(1, numNodes) < P;
% Transmit Data to Cluster Head
for node = 1:numNodes
if clusterHeads(node)
% Transmit data to Base Station
E(node) = E(node) - transmitEnergy * dataSize;
% Receive data at Base Station
E(node) = E(node) - receiveEnergy * dataSize;
% Transmit data to Cluster Head
E(node) = E(node) - transmitEnergy * dataSize;
% Receive data at Cluster Head
E(node) = E(node) - receiveEnergy * dataSize;
% Implement sleep-wake scheduling
if mod(t, 100 / dutyCycle) == 0 % Awake 5% of the time (5% duty cycle)
nodeEnergy = nodeEnergy - (idleEnergy * (100 - dutyCycle) / 100);
nodeEnergy = nodeEnergy - (sleepEnergy * dutyCycle / 100);
% Energy Update and Re-Clustering
for node = 1:numNodes
E(node) = E(node) - idleEnergy;
if E(node) <= E_min
% Node dies, reset energy
E(node) = E_max;
% Data Aggregation (every 10 seconds)
if mod(t, dataAggregationInterval) == 0
% Implement data aggregation (if applicable)
% (Data aggregation code)
% Perform Data Aggregation
aggregatedData = zeros(1, ceil(numNodes/aggregationFactor));
for i = 1:aggregationFactor:numNodes
endIndex = min(i + aggregationFactor - 1, numNodes);
aggregatedData(ceil(i/aggregationFactor)) = sum(nodeData(i:endIndex));
% Display Results
%disp('Node Data:');
%('Aggregated Data:');
% Collect performance metrics
% (Metrics collection code)
% Update Counters
transmissionTimes = zeros(1, numNodes);
transmissionTimes(node) = t;
if clusterHeads(node)
% If the node is a cluster head, calculate the delay
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay + (t - transmissionTimes(node));
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay / totalPacketsReceived;
totalPacketsSent = totalPacketsSent + numNodes;
totalPacketsReceived = totalPacketsReceived + sum(clusterHeads);
totalEnergyConsumed = totalEnergyConsumed + energyConsumed;
totalEndToEndDelay = totalEndToEndDelay + endToEndDelay;
totalOverhead = totalOverhead + overhead;
totalReliability = totalReliability + reliability;
2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 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3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 2.7973 3.2794 3.2910 1.3505 3.3685 2.3690 0.6488 2.4373 2.1316 2.8404 ...
% Calculate Metrics (Added this for metrics)
networkLifetime = simulationTime; % Assuming the simulation runs for a fixed time
packetDeliveryRatio = totalPacketsReceived / totalPacketsSent;
energyEfficiency = totalPacketsReceived / (totalEnergyConsumed * 10^3); % Convert energy from Joules to mJ
throughput = totalPacketsReceived / simulationTime;
endToEndDelay = totalEndToEndDelay / totalPacketsReceived;
latency = totalEndToEndDelay;
overheadRatio = totalOverhead / totalPacketsSent;
routingOverhead = totalOverhead / totalPacketsSent;
reliability = totalReliability / simulationTime;
spectralEfficiency = totalPacketsReceived / (simulationTime * numNodes);
resilienceToFailures = reliability; % Assuming no node failures in this basic example
coverageArea = 1000; % Assuming a coverage area of 1000 square meters
% Display Results
disp(['Network Lifetime: ', num2str(networkLifetime), ' seconds']);
Network Lifetime: 600 seconds
disp(['Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): ', num2str(packetDeliveryRatio)]);
Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): 0.09966
disp(['Energy Efficiency: ', num2str(energyEfficiency)]);
Energy Efficiency: Inf
disp(['Throughput: ', num2str(throughput), ' packets per second']);
Throughput: 498.3 packets per second
disp(['End-to-End Delay: ', num2str(endToEndDelay), ' seconds']);
End-to-End Delay: NaN seconds
disp(['Latency: ', num2str(latency), ' seconds']);
Latency: NaN seconds
disp(['Overhead Ratio: ', num2str(overheadRatio)]);
Overhead Ratio: 0
disp(['Routing Overhead: ', num2str(routingOverhead)]);
Routing Overhead: 0
disp(['Reliability: ', num2str(reliability)]);
Reliability: 0
disp(['Spectral Efficiency: ', num2str(spectralEfficiency)]);
Spectral Efficiency: 9.966
disp(['Resilience to Node Failures: ', num2str(resilienceToFailures)]);
Resilience to Node Failures: 0
disp(['Coverage Area: ', num2str(coverageArea), ' square meters']);
Coverage Area: 1000 square meters
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 9월 23일
clusterHeads = rand(1, numNodes) < P;

If none are selected then the totalPacketsRecieved cannot increase.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 9월 23일
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay + (t - transmissionTimes(node));
You never reset endToEndDelay, so it becomes unclear what the difference is between endToEndDelay and TotalEndToEndDelay .
transmissionTimes = zeros(1, numNodes);
transmissionTimes(node) = t;
You are resetting all of transmissionTimes each iteration, so you are turning in into a vector in which exactly one entry is non-zero.
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay + (t - transmissionTimes(node));
you wrote t into transmissionTimes(node) and you subtract transmissionTimes(node) from t, which is going to be (t)-(t) which is 0, so you are adding 0 to endToEndDelay . So, first time through, endToEndDelay is going to be the 0 you initialized to, plus 0 from the calculation.
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay / totalPacketsReceived;
totalPacketsReceived was initialized to 0, and you have not increased it yet by the time of this statement, so the first time through you are calculating 0 / 0 which is NaN. So endToEndDelay is set to NaN.
Now remember what I wrote a moment ago about endToEndDelay never being reset? That means when you get to
endToEndDelay = endToEndDelay + (t - transmissionTimes(node));
next time then you are going to have NaN + something (that is 0 anyhow) which is NaN. So once it has become NaN the first time it stays NaN.
totalPacketsReceived = totalPacketsReceived + sum(clusterHeads);
but that is after you already used totalPacketsReceived in your delay calculation.

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