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Changing the linestyles of individual lines in stackedplot subplots in AppDesigner.

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Per the documentation page for StackedLineProperties, we can change the LineStyle for individual plots -- however, there doesn't seem to be any documentation for how one can edit the LineStyle for individual lines within subplots. It's possible to accomplish this in regular MATLAB using NodeChildren as such:
However, while using this method in AppDesigner does update the property, the actual plot itself does not reflect the change:
ax_children = findobj(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren, 'Type','Axes');
before = app.VolTrace.NodeChildren(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren == ax_children(subplot_idx)).Children(idx)
set(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren == ax_children(subplot_idx)).Children(idx), 'Color', app.neuron_info.getNeuronColor(neuron))
if strcmp(neuron(end),'L')
set(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren == ax_children(subplot_idx)).Children(idx), 'LineStyle', '--')
elseif strcmp(neuron(end),'R')
set(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren == ax_children(subplot_idx)).Children(idx), 'LineStyle', '-')
after = app.VolTrace.NodeChildren(app.VolTrace.NodeChildren == ax_children(subplot_idx)).Children(idx)
before =
Line (IL1DL) with properties:
Color: [0 0.4470 0.7410]
LineStyle: '-'
LineWidth: 0.5000
Marker: 'none'
MarkerSize: 6
MarkerFaceColor: 'none'
XData: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ]
YData: [1.5333 1.7333 1.3333 1.3333 1.6000 1.2000 1.6000 1.3333 1.2000 1.2000 1.2667 1.4000 1.2000 1.2667 1.3333 1.4667 1.2000 1.0667 1.2000 1.4000 1.1333 1.4000 1.4000 ]
Show all properties
after =
Line (IL1DL) with properties:
Color: [0.9725 0.3529 0.2471]
LineStyle: '--'
LineWidth: 0.5000
Marker: 'none'
MarkerSize: 6
MarkerFaceColor: 'none'
XData: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ]
YData: [1.5333 1.7333 1.3333 1.3333 1.6000 1.2000 1.6000 1.3333 1.2000 1.2000 1.2667 1.4000 1.2000 1.2667 1.3333 1.4667 1.2000 1.0667 1.2000 1.4000 1.1333 1.4000 1.4000 ]
Show all properties
Any way to get this to work in AppDesigner?
  댓글 수: 3
Kevin Rusch
Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 8일
I've tried that too, and that didn't fix it either.
Kevin Rusch
Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 8일
@Walter Roberson -- something that may be worth noting though: If I use drawnow(), the properly formatted line is visible for a split seconds before being replaced with the unformatted line.

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채택된 답변

Kevin Rusch
Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 24일
I've managed to solve this (or, rather, work around the issue at the heart) by creating a property app.style_tracker that keeps track of both the number of subplots and the number of lines on each subplot, and stores each line's linestyle. Whenever the stackedplot updates, I then set my LineProperties equal to this property:
if isempty(app.color_tracker) || length(app.color_tracker) < subplot_idx || isempty(app.color_tracker{subplot_idx})
app.color_tracker{subplot_idx} = [target_color];
app.style_tracker{subplot_idx} = [{target_style}];
app.color_tracker{subplot_idx} = [app.color_tracker{subplot_idx}; target_color];
app.style_tracker{subplot_idx} = [app.style_tracker{subplot_idx}, target_style];
app.VolTrace.LineProperties(subplot_idx).LineStyle = app.style_tracker{subplot_idx};
app.VolTrace.LineProperties(subplot_idx).Color = app.color_tracker{subplot_idx};
While convoluted, that seems to be the only way to work around all of stackedplot's peculiarities.

추가 답변 (2개)

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2023년 8월 8일
I made an app to test this (see attached). I was able to replicate it in R2022b Update 5, but not R2023a. As Walter suggested, inserting a drawnow after the stackedplot is created and before changing the Linestyle, fixes the problem. Note, without the drawnow, the following error occurs:
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.
Error in stackedplotChildren/PlotButtonPushed (line 18)
If you go to debug mode and then run the line, it works.
  댓글 수: 6
Kevin Rusch
Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 9일
편집: Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 9일
Here's the plot, the code, and the log side by side, step by step: https://i.imgur.com/hkoRZFs.gif
Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2023년 8월 9일
There is no other functions or listeners that edit the line's format or recreates the plots?

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Seth Furman
Seth Furman 2023년 8월 25일
The correct way to set the line style of individual lines when using stackedplot is to set LineProperties(i) to an array of values, where i is the index of the subplot containing the line.
X = randi([0,10],[10,2]);
T1 = table(X,X);
s = stackedplot(T1);
s.LineProperties(2).LineStyle = ["-","--"];
The NodeChildren of a StackedLineChart is undocumented and modifications to line objects through NodeChildren will not persist.
  댓글 수: 2
Kevin Rusch
Kevin Rusch 2023년 8월 25일
Absolutely. What complicated what would otherwise have been the straightforward solution to our problem was that under certain circumstances, LineProperties resets on draw when you change a single element within one of its properties, meaning that unless we reassign the entire Linestyle array at once, only the last change would persist. Hence why the only solution that ended up working was one that keeps track of changes and rewrites LineStyle with the saved value of every line within a subplot.
Seth Furman
Seth Furman 2023년 8월 25일
Could you provide an example where "LineProperties resets on draw when you change a single element within one of its properties" so I can better understand your use case? Typically StackedLineChart tries to preserve LineProperties unless the underlying data changes (such as when the SourceTable property is modified).

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