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R2022a, Failed to evaluate mask initialization Caused by: Too many input arguments

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
This code worked in R2019b and R2020b, but does not in R2022a:
set_param('pathofblock/name_of_blockwithmask','RAM_type',RAM_type); % RAM_type is either 'BRAM' or 'URAM'
Error in 'pathofblock/name_of_blockwithmask': Failed to evaluate
mask initialization commands.
Caused by:
Too many input arguments.
  댓글 수: 1
Tim King
Tim King 2023년 5월 11일
after looking into it further I found that R2022a has wrapped the intialization code in another function that doesn't include the arguments I had in my function...
R2019b version of mask code:
R2022a version (converted by matlab when i opened model in R2022a):
% Initialization code section
function initialization()
% Parameter callback section

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채택된 답변

Tim King
Tim King 2023년 5월 11일
I found the problem!
I was calling...
add_block('Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Subsystem',[sys '/' subsystem_name ]); %add subsystem
and with R2022a this capital 'S' is no longer recognized, you must use the small 's'.
(in R2020b and before this capital 'S' worked fine, I guess the folks at mathworks no longer like Tower of Power :) )

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