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Solve linear equation in matrix form

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
DoinK 2023년 5월 6일
편집: Torsten 2023년 5월 12일
I need to find pi^(0) from this linear equation
pi^(0) is a row vector, e is column vector of 1
where A_0, R, B, A, and C are square matrix.
Matrix A_0, B, A, and C are given.
R can be found by using successive substitutions method
After i found R, i use this code to find pi^(0) (q is the same as pi^(0))
q=sym('q',[1 mm]) %row vector
e=ones(mm,1); %column vector of 1
a=q*(inv(I-R))*e %size 1 1
j=solve(aa,sym('q1')) %j is the same as q1=
w=q*(A_0+R*B) %size 1 row mm column
k=subs(w,sym('q1'),j) %subs q1 with j
rank(C) %if rank(C)=rank([C,S]) the system can be solved
ji=C\S %ji is pi^(0) which i need to find and must fulfill all value less than 1 and non negative.
But, after i run, rank(C)/=rank([C,S]) so the system can't be solved
Is there any code that is wrong? or there is code that more simple than this code?

답변 (1개)

Torsten 2023년 5월 6일
편집: Torsten 2023년 5월 6일
Why don't you use
pi0 = null((A0+R*B).');
if ~isempty(pi0)
pi0 = pi0.'/(pi0.'*inv(I-R)*e)
  댓글 수: 9
DoinK 2023년 5월 12일
Thankyou for your explanation Sir, it really help me.
One more question, from my matrix A_0, B, A, C, and R
If I compute manual
[a b c] * (A_0+RB)=[0 0 0] , I get 3 linear equation name 1, 2, and 3.
[a b c]*(inv(I-R))*[1 1 1].'=1 , I get 1 linear equation name 4.
From my calculation, If I use eq. 1 2 3 and 4, no solution exist.
If I use eq. 1 2 and 3, a=0, b=0, c=0.
If I use eq. 4 and 2 more equation between (1,2,or 3) , there are solutions for a, b, c but the value is not fix. Have a litte different if I use another equation to compare.
Example if I use eq. 4 1 2 compare to eq. 4 2 3, there is a difference in the 6th number after comma.
Torsten 2023년 5월 12일
편집: Torsten 2023년 5월 12일
I don't understand why you experiment above with solutions to 3 equations out of the 4.
For that your problem has a solution, there must exist a vector different from the null vector that satisfies pi^0*(A_0+R*B) = 0 or (A_0+R*B).'*pi^0.' = 0. If such vector(s) exist, you'll get a basis of the vector space spanned by these vectors by the command null((A_0+R*B).'). If the result of this command is empty, your problem has no solution.
Equivalently you can check whether rank((A_0+R*B).') < 3. If this is the case, you'll also be able to solve your problem.

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