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mustBeInRange with multiple conditions

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Joy Shen
Joy Shen 2023년 4월 27일
편집: Les Beckham 2023년 4월 27일
Hi all,
I need to ensure a value is within a range. I understand there's a function called mustBeInRange, but I need to check for multiple conditions. I'd ideally like a message to spit out a specific error that says something like "error, value is not within the range for the third case." I wrote the following but it says that I have too many arguments in mustBeInRange, but it individually works when I put the mustBeInRange line in the command window.
n_roof = 10;
int_H = [10 13 6]; % Case 1, case 2, case 3
n_floor = n_roof - int_H;
n_ins = -1; %Setting it to test the mustBeInRange function
if mustBeInRange(n_ins,n_floor(1),n_roof)
else disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 1')
if mustBeInRange(n_ins,n_floor(2),n_roof)
else disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 2')
if mustBeInRange(n_ins,n_floor(3),n_roof)
else disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 3')

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Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 4월 27일
편집: Dyuman Joshi 2023년 4월 27일
The function mustBeInRange itself throws an error if the value is not inside the range
n_roof = 10;
int_H = [10 13 6]; % Case 1, case 2, case 3
n_floor = n_roof - int_H;
n_ins = -1; %Setting it to test the mustBeInRange function
%For some reason, I am unable to run the code in live editor here
%Edit - I have attached a ss of the code run on MATLAB App, where you can
%see the error mustBeInRange() throws
If you want to show a specific/particular message for each condition, you will have to use logical operators.
%Define a function handle to use for each case
fun = @(val, in1, in2) (val >= min(in1,in2)) && (val <= max(in1,in2)) ;
if ~fun(n_ins,n_floor(1),n_roof)
disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 1')
if ~fun(n_ins,n_floor(2),n_roof)
disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 2')
if ~fun(n_ins,n_floor(3),n_roof)
disp('error, installation height is below floor or above roof elevation for case 3')
  댓글 수: 5
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 4월 27일
편집: Dyuman Joshi 2023년 4월 27일
You can directly use NaN as input to the function handle or assign n_ins as NaN. But note that the function handle will return 0 with NaN irrespective of the limits.
if ~fun(NaN,n_floor(1),n_roof)
%Assign n_ins
n_ins = NaN;
if ~fun(n_ins,n_floor(1),n_roof)
"I want to also be able to stop the code for the particular case if the conditions aren't met"
So, if conditions for case 1 isn't met, what should the code do next? Display the error and don't check the rest of the conditions?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 4월 27일
However you do not want to emit any message if it fits one of the cases. So
m(1) = fun(n_ins,n_floor(1),n_roof)
m(2) = etc
if ~any(m)
use the m values to figure out the error message

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