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ImagePosition, FigPosition, and AxisPosition perplexity

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
francois heslot
francois heslot 2023년 4월 4일
댓글: Rik 2023년 4월 4일
How to get the coordinates of the 4 corners of an image within a figure,
and how it relates to the figure position, the axis position, the xlimits, the ylimits, and possibly the PlotBoxAspectRatio.
% then eventually manipulate the figure position, the axis position, the xlim, the ylim.
% Why the following code below fails to get the proper image corners (lower left x-y point, width, height),
% in pixel units ?
axlim = get(gca,'Position')
fglim = get(gcf,'Position')
x1 = axlim(1)*fglim(3) + fglim(1);
x2 = (axlim(1)+axlim(3))*fglim(3) + fglim(1);
y1 = axlim(2)*fglim(4) + fglim(2);
y2 = (axlim(2)+axlim(4))*fglim(4) + fglim(2);
  댓글 수: 1
Rik 2023년 4월 4일
I'm not entirely certain the size of the axes object will change if the image requires a smaller window. You might need to get the position of the image object (perhaps by querying the XData and YData properties).

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