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What is the steps to model and simulate LiPo Battery Pack ?

조회 수: 22 (최근 30일)
댓글: HUSSAIN ABDULAZIZ 2023년 1월 24일
I want to use simulink to model and simulate 4 serial batteries ( LiPo 23000 14S 51.8v Battery Pack ).
I need steps to start from your expertise
Thanks alot

답변 (1개)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2023년 1월 11일
First, you need to know how to use the tools:
Make sure you understand matlab, simulink, simscape, and simscape electrical. There are free courses for all of these tools there.
Then you need to create a model with the battery parts. There are numerous battery models to choose from, you can use simscape electrical or simscape battery. The main issue is that you will need to get information on the battery. You can call the vendor and see what they will give you, or if you have a battery, you can run your own characterization tests. This is non trivial if you need a truly detailed battery model. Or, you can make up some paramters for a simple battery model that mostly just cover voltage capacity and terminal resistance if that is good enough. MathWorks does not have preparameterized parts for the battery your listed.


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