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Transfer function to filter signal Simulink to Matlab

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Lorenzo 2022년 12월 13일
댓글: Lorenzo 2022년 12월 13일
Hello Everyone,
I have extracted this small part of my simulink model:
I have been trying to realize this in Matlab code without success. First I used the filter option but I realized that A,B do not correspond to numerator and denominator of the transfer function. Then I have tried to use the tf comand to make a transfer function but i do not know how to feed an array of discrete data to it.
I know it is probably trivial but help is greatly appreciated.

채택된 답변

Askic V
Askic V 2022년 12월 13일
편집: Askic V 2022년 12월 13일
This shouldn't be a big problem in Matlab code. The most work is in defining input signal. Here's one example:
close all
num = 0.5;
den = [20 1];
% Create transfer function
G = tf(num,den);
t = 0:0.01:50;
% Creting pulse:
u = ones(size(t));
u(t >= 20 & t < 40) = -1;
% Simulate
y = lsim(G, u, t);
  댓글 수: 1
Lorenzo 2022년 12월 13일
Thanks a lot! I was missing the small step with lsim.

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