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how extract two arrays in matlab of unequal length

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
KIRAN noor
KIRAN noor 2022년 11월 30일
Locked: Rena Berman 2024년 6월 5일
I have datasets of unequal length, like data file 1 has 47 data points and data file 2 has 649 data points , now i want diffence of these two curves, but I am looking for options , how to extract them.
I am attaching image of the plots.
please guide.
  댓글 수: 2
Rik 2023년 1월 24일
I recovered the removed content from the Google cache (something which anyone can do). Editing away your question is very rude. Someone spent time reading your question, understanding your issue, figuring out the solution, and writing an answer. Now you repay that kindness by ensuring that the next person with a similar question can't benefit from this answer.
Rena Berman
Rena Berman 2024년 6월 5일

(Answers Dev) Restored edit

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2022년 11월 30일
Yes interp1 to sample the curves at corresponding points. Then you can subtract them freely.
  댓글 수: 1
Matt J
Matt J 2022년 11월 30일
편집: Matt J 2022년 11월 30일
That shouldn't matter. You can interpolate at the same set of query points Xq,
result = interp1(X1,Y1,xq) - interp1(X2,Y2,xq)

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