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How to pull data from a table from a file and use as a string or cell.

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
I'm building a app via App Designer. The app allows the user to use a numeric keypad to enter a 6-digit passcode and submit that code. I have a file that holds demo data with a person's first name, last name, and their assigned code.
What I want to do is to create a ui message that says "hello, {firstname} {lastname}" when their passcode is entered correctly. I'm trying to use
to pull the table from the "loginInfo.txt" file, and write code to pull the code's first and last name on its respected row. This is what I have, minus the app design:
function startupFcn(app)
T = readtable('loginInfo.txt') % printing out for debugging. Thought about creating table to pull firstName
% and lastName cell/string
msgbox("Hello, Please Enter Identification Passcode:");
% Button pushed function: confirm
function confirmButtonPushed(app, event)
codeString = string(app.passCode.Value);
% A = fileread("loginInfo.txt") Trying ideas
% B = strfind(A, codeString);
% if a correct passcode is discovered
if ~isempty(B)
uialert(uifigure,"Yes",codeString); %My potential "Hello, {firstName} {lastName}" message.
% assignin("base",'fcnStatus',codeString);
T = readtable output
T =
4×3 table
LastName FirstName PassCode
____________ __________ __________
{'Doe' } {'John' } 4.3222e+05
{'Doe' } {'Jane' } 3.2901e+05
{'Williams'} {'John' } 7.1883e+05
{'Smith' } {'Taylor'} 5.7162e+05

채택된 답변

Karim 2022년 11월 9일
Hi Terry,
See below for one example on how to do this. This idea is to first use some logic operators to determine if the code is valid or not, and then extracting the user id with the logic information.
T = readtable("https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1186583/loginInfo.txt")
T = 4×3 table
LastName FirstName PassCode ____________ __________ __________ {'Doe' } {'John' } 4.3222e+05 {'Doe' } {'Jane' } 3.2901e+05 {'Williams'} {'John' } 7.1883e+05 {'Smith' } {'Taylor'} 5.7162e+05
% asume the user entered
Code = 329011;
% use logic operators to find the code in the list
CurrentUser = T.PassCode == Code
CurrentUser = 4×1 logical array
0 1 0 0
if any(CurrentUser)
% a valid code has been entered, now print the name of the user
msgbox( "hello "+T.FirstName{CurrentUser}+" "+T.LastName{CurrentUser});
% no valid code was found... break the routine
msgbox('Code not recognized')
  댓글 수: 2
Terry Carney
Terry Carney 2022년 11월 10일
CurrentUser = T.PassCode == Code
I had to convert T.PassCode to a string
is there a reason the code runs for you and not for me? Thank you for your help!!
Terry Carney
Terry Carney 2022년 11월 10일
Nevermind, I answered my own question. Thank you again for your help.

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