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Simulink - Simscape HTC input using model parameters

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Delika Weragoda
Delika Weragoda 2022년 11월 8일
댓글: Delika Weragoda 2022년 11월 10일

I'm trying to define a variable convective heat transfer coefficient using model parameters (i.e. temperature) in the simulink model shown below. Is there a way to define this?

I get this error when I run the simulation ' ...or the model referenced by it contains a block that updates persistent or state variables while computing outputs and is not supported in an algebraic loop. It is in an algebraic loop with the following blocks.'
So does that mean we can't define the conv_HTC as a function of temperature or is there a way to do it?

Many thanks

  댓글 수: 4
Youssef Noureddine
Youssef Noureddine 2022년 11월 10일
편집: Youssef Noureddine 2022년 11월 10일
Hi Delika,
Can you provide the contents of the "variable convective heat transfer" block? I would recommend continuing with this for now as it seems you are not encountering any errors. I would however suggest simplifying the model (blocks like temperature 1 and temperature 2 seem identical and may cause additional confusion).
Since I do not know what the contents of your custom block are, I cannot tell for certain if you will run into an error, but if you do, feel free to attach it here so we can understand what the exact issue simscape is running into is.
Delika Weragoda
Delika Weragoda 2022년 11월 10일
Hi Youssef,
Thanks, yeah I figured there is an extra temp sensor when I uploaded. Did change it afterwards. Please see the content for the variable convective HT block below.
T_diff = {1, 'K'}; % S:bottom
k = {0.598, 'W/(m*K)'}; %Thermal conductivity of water (W/mK)
C_p = {4200, 'J/(kg*K)'}; %specific heat capacity of the liquid (J/kgK)
beta = {210e-6, '1/K'}; %Volumetric thermal expansion coefficient
mu = {8.9e-4, 'kg/(m*s)'}; %Dynamic viscosity of water (Pa.s)
rho = {998.2, 'kg/m^3'}; %Density of water
g = {9.81, 'm/s^2'}; %acceleration due to gravity
%Battery dimensions
Bat_width = {160e-3, 'm'}; %Width of the battery (m)
Bat_height = {227e-3, 'm'}; %Height of the battery (m)
Bat_thickness = {7.25e-3, 'm'}; %Thicknesss of the battery (m)
parameters (Access=private)
nu = mu/rho; %Kinematic viscosity
alpha = k/(rho*C_p); %Thermal diffusivity
Vol_of_cell = Bat_height*Bat_width*Bat_thickness; %Volume of the pouch cell
Surf_area_cell = 2*Bat_height*Bat_width; %Surface of cooling of the cell (only one surface considered)
L = Vol_of_cell/Surf_area_cell %Lenght scale of the cell
A = foundation.thermal.thermal; % A:bottom
B = foundation.thermal.thermal; % B:top
variables (Access=private, Conversion=relative)
T = {0, 'K'}; % Temperature difference
variables (Access=private)
Q = {0, 'W'}; % Heat flow rate
Q : A.Q -> B.Q;
T == A.T - B.T;
%Equation for heat transfer coefficient is embedded in the following equation
Q == Surf_area_cell *((k/L)*(0.68 + ((0.67*((g*beta*T_diff*L^3)/(nu*alpha))^(1/4))/(1 + ((0.492*k)/(C_p*mu))^(9/16))^(4/9))))* T;

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