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Recreating Sine Wave from pitch detection

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Hans Buchele
Hans Buchele 2022년 8월 28일
댓글: Hans Buchele 2022년 9월 2일
Dear Community, I am looking for a way to rebuild a signal from the pitch information from an other signal. Best scenario would be to read in a sine wave with changing pitch, extract the pitch information and then to be able to apply it to a sine wave. Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks!

채택된 답변

jibrahim 2022년 8월 29일
Hi Hans,
Here is some code that approximates what you want. It uses:
  • audioOscillator to create a frequency-varying sine wave signal
  • pitch to estimate the pitch of a signal
  • timescope to visualize the original and reconstructed signals.
% Create the original frequency-varying sine wave signal
src = audioOscillator;
F = [100:500 499:-1:100];
% We will change the frequency every 10 frames
numFramesPerFreq = 10;
frameLength = src.SamplesPerFrame;
sig = zeros(numFramesPerFreq*size(F,2)*frameLength,1);
% Build the sine wave
for index=1:size(F,2)
src.Frequency = F(index);
for index2=1:numFramesPerFreq
startInd = (index-1)*numFramesPerFreq*frameLength+(index2-1)*frameLength + 1;
sig(startInd:startInd+frameLength-1) = src();
% Estimate the pitch of the signal
% A pitch estimate is generated for every "hop" of samples
p = pitch(sig,src.SampleRate,WindowLength=1024,OverlapLength=896);
% Hop length is window length - overlap length
hopLength = 1024-896;
% This is the reconstructed signal (based on pitch estimates)
sig2 = zeros(hopLength*size(p,1),1);
% We will build this signal
src = audioOscillator;
frameLength = hopLength;
src.SamplesPerFrame = hopLength;
for index=1:size(p,1)
% For every frame, use estimated pitch
osc.Frequency = p(index);
sig2((index-1)*frameLength+1:index*frameLength) = src();
% Make original and reconstructed signals the same length
L = min(size(sig,1),size(sig2,1));
sig = sig(1:L);
sig2 = sig2(1:L);
% Use a scope to visualize the signals
scope = timescope(SampleRate=src.SampleRate,...
LayoutDimensions=[2 1],...
YLimits=[-1 1]);
scope.ActiveDisplay = 2;
scope.YLimits = [-1 1];
numFrames = size(sig,1)/hopLength;
for index=1:numFrames
in1 = sig((index-1)*hopLength+1:index*hopLength);
in2 = sig((index-1)*hopLength+1:index*hopLength);
  댓글 수: 6
jibrahim 2022년 9월 2일
A little more info. For pure tones, you should use instfreq. All of the pitch algorithms are exploiting the harmonic structure of voice--they're really not designed for pure tones, and simpler algorithms like instfreq will perform best:
A = 1;
fs = 44100;
dt = 1/fs;
t = 0:dt:10;
f1 = 1000;
x = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t);
y = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t);
filename = sprintf('%d.wav',f1);
stereo_mtx = [x(:), y(:)];
More info on the pitch function: It has a range parameter which is set by default to handle speech signal (default range is [50, 400] Hz). You can adjust the range for your case:
A = 1;
fs = 44100;
dt = 1/fs;
t = 0:dt:10;
f1 = 1000;
x = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t);
y = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t);
filename = sprintf('%d.wav',f1);
stereo_mtx = [x(:), y(:)];
pitch(stereo_mtx,fs,Range=[50 5000]);
The function pitchnn should work for both types of sound (speech and sine waves are fine)
Hans Buchele
Hans Buchele 2022년 9월 2일
Great thank you!

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추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 8월 29일
Attached is a demo that creates a sound. Perhaps you can adapt it to change the frequency and amplitude envelope to whatever you want.


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