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Could not find the header file of the external sharded DLL library

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Corey 2022년 8월 26일
답변: Suman Sahu 2023년 2월 13일
I am trying to generate a standalone application using App Designer in MATLAB 2022A. However, received the given error when I try to open the '.exe' which generated from the appdesigner.
I have tried a few methods, however, none of them are working:
  1. addpath
  2. manually copy all '.dll' and '.h' file into the same folder with the file 'AMConfigToolApp.mlapp'
Error message:
Could not find file AMConfigLib.h, Error in=>AMConfigToolApp.mlapp at line 3194.
Any idea?

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Suman Sahu
Suman Sahu 2023년 2월 13일
The error message "Could not find file AMConfigLib.h" suggests that the standalone application is unable to locate a required header file.
Since you have tried adding the path as well as copying all required dll and header files to the same folder as the standalone application. You can use the App Designer’s packaging feature to package the required files with the standalone application.
To do this,
  1. go to the "Publish / Share" tab in App Designer.
  2. Select "Create Standalone Application".
  3. In the "Create Standalone Application" dialog, go to the “Files required by your application to run”.
  4. Add the required files.
This will ensure that the required files are included with the standalone application when it is built.

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