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How to calculate FWHM from gaussian histogram fit?

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Somnath Kale
Somnath Kale 2022년 8월 17일
댓글: Star Strider 2022년 8월 17일
I was just trying to get the FWHM value for my histrogram with 8 bins for X = [0.6268 0.5372 0.5382 0.4272 0.4635 0.5422 0.5869 0.5308 0.5188 0.4759 0.6365 0.5532 0.5753 0.5734 0.5734 0.5465];
It will be really heplfull if someone guided with small portion of code to fit the gauassian distribution line and related mean, variance and fwhm.
thanks in advance!!

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 8월 17일
Thje easiest way is to use histfit and then findpeaks with the name-value pair appropriate arguments —
X = [0.6268 0.5372 0.5382 0.4272 0.4635 0.5422 0.5869 0.5308 0.5188 0.4759 0.6365 0.5532 0.5753 0.5734 0.5734 0.5465];
h = histfit(X)
h =
2×1 graphics array: Bar Line
line_x = h(2).XData;
line_y = h(2).YData;
[pk,loc,w] = findpeaks(line_y, 'WidthReference','halfheight')
pk = 6.9351
loc = 51
w = 38.8687
FWHM = w
FWHM = 38.8687
x_peak = line_x(loc)
x_peak = 0.5458
pd = fitdist(X(:),'Normal')
pd =
NormalDistribution Normal distribution mu = 0.544113 [0.514699, 0.573526] sigma = 0.0551991 [0.0407758, 0.0854312]
To get the parameters of the distribution, use the fitdist function. (This is the function histfit uses.)
  댓글 수: 4
Somnath Kale
Somnath Kale 2022년 8월 17일
Thank you very much for your time efforts and suggestions!
looking fourword to your kind help in future as well!!
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 8월 17일
As always, my pleasure!
I will help as much I am able!

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