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How can I normalize one input for Patch across a subplot?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Kip Risch-Andrews
Kip Risch-Andrews 2022년 8월 1일
댓글: Kip Risch-Andrews 2022년 8월 3일
Hi there, I'm trying to use Patch to show areas of a graph where a certain event is occuring. What I want to do is have these bars show up on every figure in my subplot (which share the same x-axis), but scale the y-axis coordinates for each graph.
I was trying to use copyobj, but the maximum y-axis values are different for each part of the subplot. Here's the code for generating my patches currently - can I use 'Units','Normalized' or something similar for just the y values? Or do I have to manually put these patches into each figure
freeze_logger = [833 1394 10243 10807 19960 20528 29573 30135 38800 39362 48023 48584 57726 58292];
SEC2HRS = 2.7778e-04;
x_freeze = repelem(freeze_logger,2)*60*SEC2HRS;
y_freeze = repmat([-1e5 1e5 1e5 -1e5], 1,length(freeze_logger)/2);
freeze_patch = patch(x_freeze,y_freeze,'red','FaceAlpha',.3);

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 8월 2일
Use coordinates -inf and +inf . Then you can copyobj . Then in the copied object you can use
max( min(YCoordinates, YUpperBound), YLowerBound )
to compute the new coordinates without needing any logical indexing or anything like that.
  댓글 수: 3
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 8월 3일
freeze_patch1 = copyobj(freeze_patch,ax1);
freeze_patch1.YData = max( min(freeze_patch1.YData, YUpperBound), YLowerBound );
Kip Risch-Andrews
Kip Risch-Andrews 2022년 8월 3일
Works perfectly, thank you so much for the help!

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