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cell2mat has a very specific condition

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
daniel slama
daniel slama 2022년 6월 20일
댓글: dpb 2022년 6월 20일
hey all! so i've been playing with cells and structures etc.
i have a structure 'students' with fields:name,id,grades.
in grades i have a nx1 cell array where n is the number of grades per students. the grades are in string and not numbers.
i wanted to calculate every student's avarage. i used a for loop and cell2mat and it gave me an nx2 matrix of char objects.
the problem is the last students, one of his grades is 100 which is 3 letters instead of 2 and because of that cell2mat has no idea how to compensate for it.
i know i could have made things easier for myself if i made a more normal structure in the first place but i'm too far in the excercise now lol.
any idea how to work with this?
  댓글 수: 2
DGM 2022년 6월 20일
Show us what code you have and provide an example of your data so that we can see what's going on.
daniel slama
daniel slama 2022년 6월 20일
of course, my bad.
this is my attempt to calculate every student's avarage with notes of what i tried to to every line.
[a b]=size(students)
for i = [1:1:b]
charmat=cell2mat(students(i).grades) %creates the nx2 matrix and gets stuck with the last student
[c d]=size(charmat)
for x = [1:1:c]
nummat=[nummat ; temp] %makes a number matrix out of the char matrix

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채택된 답변

dpb 2022년 6월 20일
Indeed, you made dereferencing the data about as hard as could by putting it into cell array -- a struct could/can hold an ordinary array; it shouldn't be too hard to change the code to make the grades arrays numeric to start with...but one way to your objective here is\
>> arrayfun(@(i)mean(str2double(students(i).grades)),1:numel(students),'UniformOutput',true)
ans =
84.0000 98.5000 86.1667 57.3333 87.2500
  댓글 수: 2
daniel slama
daniel slama 2022년 6월 20일
this is incredible. i did mess up with the struct, guess i still need to work on that.
thank you so much!
dpb 2022년 6월 20일
Will become familiar idiom (along with the companion functions for cell arrays and sructure fields) with time...

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