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how to work with text files?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
daniel slama
daniel slama 2022년 6월 19일
편집: Chris 2022년 6월 20일
hey all!
i'm new to matlab and i have this task basically: i have a text file of students' their id's and grades (after that the text goes down a line) and i need to make an array/structure out of it.
the example text is stud_ex.txt. all i know is how to use fopen but beyond that i'm clueless.
i see a lot of people online using things like "%" signs and i have no idea what these mean.
if anyone can shed some light i would really appreciate it.

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Chris 2022년 6월 19일
편집: Chris 2022년 6월 19일
fopen is for low-level file operations you may not need.
Perhaps try
data = importdata('stud_ex.txt')
Which will give you a struct with three fields:
data: [7×4 double]
textdata: {7×1 cell}
rowheaders: {7×1 cell}
The row headers are irrelevant, since you don't have headers. But you could use data.data and data.textdata.
Split the data array into student IDs and grades.
  댓글 수: 4
daniel slama
daniel slama 2022년 6월 20일
omg that is JUST what i needed. ty!
Chris 2022년 6월 20일
편집: Chris 2022년 6월 20일
You're welcome.
There are also intermediate steps you could take:
fid = fopen('stud_ex.txt','r'); % Open file and attach a handle to it
thisline = fgetl(fid);
parsedline = split(firstline);
studentnames{1} = parsedline{1};
% ... do something like this in a "while ~feof(fid)" loop
fclose(fid) % Release the file
Convert the lines to strings for even easier handling.

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