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필터 지우기

Select best time in an array

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Franco Mazzaro
Franco Mazzaro 2022년 6월 8일
답변: Peter Perkins 2022년 6월 13일
Hi everyone! So i have this function that creates a .tx with drivers and their respective lap times:
function txtcreator_v2(drivers_scuderias,file)
%TXTCREATOR asigna un tiempo de vuelta a cada conductor y escribe los
%resultados en un archivo .txt.
%driversscuderias debe ser un string array
%file es el nombre del archivo que queremos crear
minutes = randi(2,1,100); seconds = randi(59,1,100); milliseconds=randi(999,1,100);
%generador de tiempo
fid = fopen(file,'w+');
for i=1:length(minutes)
fangio = randi(20,1,1);
and then a script that reads the text file and structures it:
driv_scu= ["LEC" "SAI" "BOT" "ZHO" "ALB" "LAT" "VER" "PER" "HAM" ...
"RUS" "NOR" "RIC" "MSC" "MAG" "STR" "VET" "GAS" "TSU" "ALO" "OCO";"ferrari" "ferrari" "alfa romeo" "alfa romeo" "williams" "williams" "red bull" "red bull" "mercedes" "mercedes"...
"mclaren" "mclaren" "haas" "haas" "aston martin" "aston martin" "alpha tauri" "alpha tauri" "alpine" "alpine"]';
fid = fopen("laptimes.txt");
parrilla = textscan(fid,'%s %s %s','delimiter',';');
domenicalli=vertcat( parrilla{1} );
senna=vertcat( parrilla{2} );
prost=vertcat( parrilla{3} );
ayrton= [domenicalli senna prost];
The thing is, i want ayrton to only have the best lap times of each pilot. I mean deleting the repeated names based on their lap times (if hamilton is repited two times, i only keep the "hamilton" with the best lap)
Any clues?

채택된 답변

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2022년 6월 13일
You are making your life more difficult using fopen etc. Use writetable and readtable:
>> laptimes = readtable("laptimes.txt","ReadVariableNames",false);
>> laptimes.Properties.VariableNames = ["Driver" "Team" "Time"];
>> laptimes.Time = duration(laptimes.Time,"Format","mm:ss.SSS")
laptimes =
100×3 table
Driver Team Time
_______ ________________ _________
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 01:44.985
{'GAS'} {'alpha tauri' } 02:53.559
{'NOR'} {'mclaren' } 01:15.933
{'MAG'} {'haas' } 01:08.720
{'ALB'} {'williams' } 01:14.484
{'NOR'} {'mclaren' } 02:21.639
{'STR'} {'aston martin'} 02:17.887
{'OCO'} {'alpine' } 02:55.199
{'HAM'} {'mercedes' } 02:04.395
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 01:35.992
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 02:10.402
{'MSC'} {'haas' } 01:50.659
{'VET'} {'aston martin'} 02:10.901
{'MAG'} {'haas' } 02:30.995
{'VER'} {'red bull' } 02:59.653
{'ALO'} {'alpine' } 01:21.109
{'NOR'} {'mclaren' } 01:03.037
{'OCO'} {'alpine' } 02:13.618
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 02:24.567
{'ALB'} {'williams' } 02:20.962
: : :
{'VER'} {'red bull' } 02:37.751
{'GAS'} {'alpha tauri' } 02:16.368
{'ALB'} {'williams' } 01:27.941
{'RIC'} {'mclaren' } 02:50.018
{'ALO'} {'alpine' } 02:12.829
{'LEC'} {'ferrari' } 02:18.626
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 02:29.539
{'LEC'} {'ferrari' } 01:20.650
{'MAG'} {'haas' } 02:48.726
{'RIC'} {'mclaren' } 01:59.095
{'BOT'} {'alfa romeo' } 02:10.877
{'VET'} {'aston martin'} 02:14.015
{'MSC'} {'haas' } 02:42.295
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 01:23.180
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 02:58.926
{'BOT'} {'alfa romeo' } 01:58.069
{'VET'} {'aston martin'} 01:38.581
{'SAI'} {'ferrari' } 02:51.637
{'ALB'} {'williams' } 02:24.651
{'ALB'} {'williams' } 01:38.864
Display all 100 rows.
If the file had been written with column headings, that code would have been even shorter.
At that point, what you want is a one-liner:
>> besttimes = varfun(@min,laptimes,"GroupingVariables","Driver","InputVariables","Time")
besttimes =
20×3 table
Driver GroupCount min_Time
_______ __________ _________
{'ALB'} 6 01:14.484
{'ALO'} 7 01:21.109
{'BOT'} 7 01:15.051
{'GAS'} 7 01:56.890
{'HAM'} 3 01:35.276
{'LAT'} 6 01:18.880
{'LEC'} 5 01:20.650
{'MAG'} 8 01:08.720
{'MSC'} 3 01:31.334
{'NOR'} 5 01:03.037
{'OCO'} 4 01:57.805
{'PER'} 1 02:34.701
{'RIC'} 6 01:34.114
{'RUS'} 3 01:30.452
{'SAI'} 9 01:23.180
{'STR'} 3 02:17.887
{'TSU'} 2 01:34.514
{'VER'} 6 01:14.059
{'VET'} 7 01:01.031
{'ZHO'} 2 01:26.962

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