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How to set custom title to scatterplot?

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk 2022년 5월 30일
댓글: Louis Tomczyk 2022년 5월 30일
Dear all,
I wonder how to set custom title to (communication toolbox)?
It seems that in the code of the function, we cannot change it (line 144 from the function file - R2021b).
% Label the plot
ylabel(ax, 'Quadrature')
xlabel(ax, 'In-Phase')
title(ax, 'Scatter plot')
Thanks in advance,

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 5월 30일
h = scatterplot() returns a figure. You need to
ax = h.CurrentAxes;
title(ax, 'Desired Title')

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