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Call MATLAB function in appdesigner

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Celia Sanchez-Giron
Celia Sanchez-Giron 2022년 4월 21일
댓글: Jon 2022년 4월 21일
I would like to know how can I call my function (inicio) in app designer. This is my function that I wrote directly in appdesigner because I don't know how to write it in MATLAB and call it.
function inicio(app)
app.robotMTH = rigidBodyTree("DataFormat", "Column");
nJoints = 6;
% a alpha d theta
dhparams = [0 -pi/2 0.290 0;
0.270 0 0 -pi/2;
0.070 -pi/2 0 0;
0 pi/2 0.302 0;
0 -pi/2 0 0;
0 0 0.072 pi];
body0 = rigidBody('body0'); %Crear un objeto de sólido rígido
jnt0 = rigidBodyJoint('jnt0','revolute'); %Crear la articulación.
jnt0.JointAxis = [0, 0, 1]; %Eje de movimiento de la articulación.
%jnt0.PositionLimits = rango (1,:);
jnt0.HomePosition = dhparams(1,4);
tform = trvec2tform([0, 0, 0]);
body0.Joint = jnt0;
n= length (dhparams); %número de cuerpos del robot
bodies = cell(n,1);
joints = cell(n,1);
for i = 1:n
bodies{i} = rigidBody(['body' num2str(i)]);
if i == n % El ultimo cuerpo es fijo
joints{i} = rigidBodyJoint(['jnt' num2str(i)],"fixed");
joints{i} = rigidBodyJoint(['jnt' num2str(i)],"revolute");
%joints{i}.PositionLimits = rango (i+1,:);
transform = makehgtform('zrotate', dhparams(i,4)) * makehgtform('translate',[dhparams(i,1) 0 dhparams(i,3)])*makehgtform('xrotate', dhparams(i,2));
bodies{i}.Joint = joints{i};
if i==1
addBody( app.robotMTH,bodies{i},'body0')
%Añadir visual pero se amorfa y no me lo añade en el eje que quiero
addVisual(app.robotMTH.Bodies{i},"Mesh", 'BRAZO7.stl',transform);
addBody( app.robotMTH,bodies{i},bodies{i-1}.Name)
I wrote this in appdesigner but it doesn't work
methods (Access = public)
function appDesignerinicio(app)
Output = app.inicio.Value;

답변 (2개)

chrisw23 2022년 4월 21일
Your function has no arguments and no return value. So just use app.inicio() to call your function. But it seems that this is only a part of your problem. As the app has a GUI, you probably should call your function within a callback (startup or uicontrol).
  댓글 수: 1
Jon 2022년 4월 21일
Hi Chris - Sorry, didn't see your post until after I submitted mine but I guess we are aligned in our suggestions to the OP anyhow

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Jon 2022년 4월 21일
It looks like your function just creates a variable called robotMTH and doesn't use anything in the app object to do its calculation. It looks like perhaps njoint and dhParams may vary under different scenarios, so maybe you want them to be arguments to incio.
So I would define a function
function robotMTH = incio(njoint,dhParams)
body0 = rigidBody('body0'); %Crear un objeto de sólido rígido
jnt0 = rigidBodyJoint('jnt0','revolute'); %Crear la articulación.
jnt0.JointAxis = [0, 0, 1]; %Eje de movimiento de la articulación.
%jnt0.PositionLimits = rango (1,:);
jnt0.HomePosition = dhparams(1,4);
tform = trvec2tform([0, 0, 0]);
body0.Joint = ...
and then within the appropriate callback in appdesigner call it using:
nJoints = 6;
% a alpha d theta
dhparams = [0 -pi/2 0.290 0;
0.270 0 0 -pi/2;
0.070 -pi/2 0 0;
0 pi/2 0.302 0;
0 -pi/2 0 0;
0 0 0.072 pi];
app.robotMTH = incio(nJoints,dhparams) % assign robotMTH to app object
If nJoints and dhparams really never change then you could leave them hard coded in the body of the incio function and just define incio with no input arguments at all


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