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Rotate a Rectangle within boundaries

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Jimmy Neutron
Jimmy Neutron 2022년 2월 15일
편집: DGM 2022년 2월 15일
I am trying to have a red rectangle be inside the green rectangle with a random rotation. I have almost accomplished this, but the only thing that is not working is that the rotation goes out the green rectangle's bounds...
cla reset
hold on
width = 1;
P = rectangle('Position',[ 0.2 -width/2 width width],'FaceColor','green'); % Placement square
a = 0.2;
b = 1.2-0.3;
r = a + (b-a).*rand(1,1); % random for horz
a = -0.5;
b = 0.5-0.2;
r2 = a + (b-a).*rand(1,1); % random for vert
x1 = r;
x2 = r + 0.3;
y1 = r2;
y2 = r2 + 0.2;
X= [x1 x1 x2 x2];
Y= [y1 y2 y2 y1];
hSquare = fill(X,Y,'r');
thetad = 45;
% thetad = randi([0 360],1);
R = [cosd(thetad) -sind(thetad); sind(thetad) cosd(thetad)];
C = repmat([0 0], 4, 1)';
axis([-1 1 -1 1])
V = get(hSquare,'Vertices')'; % get the current set of vertices
V = R*(V - C) + C; % do the rotation relative to the centre of the square
set(hSquare,'Vertices',V'); % update the vertices
axis equal

답변 (2개)

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson 2022년 2월 15일
If you want the red shape to sometimes touch the boundaries of the green shape while staying entirely within the green, then you cannot have both the center of the red shape and its rotation angle entirely random. You may need to choose the rotation angle first, and then based on that choose the allowable center position of the red shape.

DGM 2022년 2월 15일
편집: DGM 2022년 2월 15일
% rectangle parameters
szR1 = [1 1]; % size of large rectangle
osR1 = [0.2 -szR1(2)/2]; % offset of large rectangle
szR2 = [0.3 0.2]; % size of small rectangle
% generate random angle
thR2 = randi([0 360],1);
% build point list, rotate
R = [cosd(thR2) -sind(thR2); sind(thR2) cosd(thR2)];
XY = [-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1].*szR2/2;
XY = (R*XY.').';
% apply constrained random translation
randos = rand(1,2);
os0 = range(XY,1); % this is the size of the rotated block
XY = XY + (szR1-os0).*randos + osR1 + os0/2;
% plot stuff
P = rectangle('Position',[osR1 szR1],'FaceColor','green');
hold on;
hSquare = fill(XY(:,1),XY(:,2),'r');
axis equal
axis([0 2 -1 1])
Or you could draw a bunch of red blocks
% rectangle parameters
szR1 = [1 1];
osR1 = [0.2 -szR1(2)/2];
szR2 = [0.3 0.2];
nblocks = 50;
% plot bg
P = rectangle('Position',[osR1 szR1],'FaceColor','green'); % Placement square
hold on;
for k = 1:nblocks
% generate random angle
thR2 = randi([0 360],1);
% build point list, rotate
R = [cosd(thR2) -sind(thR2); sind(thR2) cosd(thR2)];
XY = [-1 -1; 1 -1; 1 1; -1 1].*szR2/2;
XY = (R*XY.').';
% apply constrained random translation
randos = rand(1,2);
os0 = range(XY,1); % this is the size of the rotated block
XY = XY + (szR1-os0).*randos + osR1 + os0/2;
% plot block
hSquare = fill(XY(:,1),XY(:,2),'r','facealpha',0.5);
axis equal
axis([0 2 -1 1])


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