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Use data in other functions

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Nu9 2011년 9월 21일
hi, i made a project that pass data, seven variables, from an editbox(subgui) to an textbox(maingui). i need to use that data in a pushbutton functions that runs a script that needs those values:
S.ed = uicontrol('style','text',...
'position',[50 470 101 31],...
function [] = pb_call(varargin)
% Callback for pushbutton.
S = guidata(gcbf); % Get the structure.
set(0,'userdata',S); % Save it in the root.
f = make_subgui;
function [] = B_call(src,evendata)
% Callback for secondary GUI editbox.
S = get(0,'userdata');
%set(S.ed,'string',get(gcbo,'string')) % Set gui_passdata editbox string.
if (isempty(str2num(str)))
errordlg('Por favor só numeros','Erro','modal')
set(S.ed,'string',get(gcbo,'string')) % Set gui_passdata editbox string.
and the script in a pushbutton for exemple is: ... B=10; C=20; ...
i want to change those values to the values from the subgui.i need to use this in subgui?
what i need to put in xxxx? the function name from the script?

채택된 답변

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2011년 9월 21일
I don't quite under stand your question. I am guessing the function make_subgui mkaes your subgui and returns its handle (f in the pb_call function). I think you want to save "f" someplace (possibly in the root). Then you can simply do:
where f is the handle to the object you want to set.
  댓글 수: 3
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2011년 9월 21일
So did I answer your question or not? I still do not know how you are generating your gui's and what the handles to all the objects are.
Nu9 2011년 9월 22일
i use matt fig's GUI 24 to begin.
1-in my sub gui i can input values(A,B,C...)
2- i want to use the values from subgui in: a staticbox and a program that needs those values to run.
3- in a push button(pb_script) i've that program(A,B,C.. each equal to zero) and i want to use the values from the subgui
can i do like this in pb_script:
A=S.ed (following the code above)

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