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How to convert .mat file to .tif file?

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Haytham Ali
Haytham Ali 2022년 1월 17일
댓글: Image Analyst 2022년 1월 17일
Hi all
I have 3D image divided inot slices every slice saved inot file.mat
I want to save all of these slices inot file.TIF
How can I do this ??

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 1월 17일
s = load('yourFile.mat');
image3d = s.image3d; % Whatever it's called.
[rows, columns, slices] = size(image3d)
outputFolder = pwd; % Wherever you want.
for slice = 1 : slices
thisSlice = image3d(:, :, slice);
baseFileName = sprintf('Slice %d.tif', slice);
fullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, baseFileName);
imwrite(thisSlice, fullFileName);
  댓글 수: 2
Haytham Ali
Haytham Ali 2022년 1월 17일
@Image Analyst Thank you
I dont have 3D image I have only slices of this 3D every slice saved into slice1.mat, slice2.mat,....slice n .mat
I want to convert every one from these slices into slice1.tif, slice2.tif,....slice n .tif
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 1월 17일
s = load('yourFile.mat');
image3d = s.image3d; % Whatever it's called.
[rows, columns, slices] = size(image3d)
inputFolder = pwd; % Wherever you want.
outputFolder = pwd; % Wherever you want.
for slice = 1 : slices
% Read in image from mat file.
baseFileName = sprintf('Slice %d.mat', slice);
fullFileName = fullfile(inputFolder, baseFileName);
if ~isfile(fullFileName)
continue; % Skip it if it does not exist.
fprintf('Reading %s.\n', fullFileName)
s = load(fullFileName)
thisSlice = s.theImage; % or whatever it's called.
% Write out as a TIFF format image file.
baseFileName = sprintf('Slice %d.tif', slice);
fullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, baseFileName);
fprintf('Writing %s.\n', fullFileName)
imwrite(thisSlice, fullFileName);

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