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How do I simplify a symbolic expression into numeric output?

조회 수: 42 (최근 30일)
Daniel 2011년 1월 20일
댓글: Ganesh P. Prajapat 2020년 6월 10일
My answer for a calculation is:
ans =
(3060513257434037*x1^2)/1125899906842624 + x1 +
(3060513257434037*x2^2)/1125899906842624 + x2 +
How can I get MATLAB to display the answer with the fraction evaluated in decimal format?
  댓글 수: 2
Mithlesh Kumar
Mithlesh Kumar 2016년 12월 30일
편집: Mithlesh Kumar 2016년 12월 30일
As you have used symbolic function, to get output displayed in decimal format use "vpa" command.
Ganesh P. Prajapat
Ganesh P. Prajapat 2020년 6월 10일
This comes out of the 'subs' command when 'syms' is associated. The simple way to have a simplified solution is, use vpa(x,d) command where x gets simplified upto d digits.

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답변 (3개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 1월 20일
Use vpa() to convert fractions and numeric constants (such as Pi) into symbolic fixed-point arithmetic, such as might be used for further symbolic processing.
Use double() to convert fractions and numeric constants (such as Pi) into binary floating point arithmetic, such as might be used for further processing at the Matlab level.
  댓글 수: 3
Luis Enciso
Luis Enciso 2014년 4월 18일
I had the same problem, but vpa is nice for me, thank you so much.

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Ned Gulley
Ned Gulley 2011년 1월 20일
It looks like you've got a symbolic expression.
You can substitute real numeric values for x1 and x2 like this:
% Define your expression
syms x1 x2
f = (3060513257434037*x1^2)/1125899906842624 + x1 + ...
(3060513257434037*x2^2)/1125899906842624 + x2 + ...
% If x1 is 1 and x2 is 2, you would type this
And the answer is...
ans =
See the doc for subs for more information.

kalpana 2013년 8월 12일
use MatlabFunction() to convert symbolic to numeric expression.


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