Zoom in using mouse scroll during uiwait sometimes fails
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I want to zoom in a figure (with mouse scroll) during uiwait, however this did not always work.
If you directly run main.m, you'll find out you can not zoom in with mouse scroll.
However, if you comment test_zoomin(gcf), and run again, then move your mouse into figure, at last run test_zoomin(gcf) in command window, you'll find out you can zoom in with mouse scroll.
The above is well reproduced on my win10 with R2020a and R2021a. Also, I tried to use set(0, 'PointerLocation', ...) to programtically move mouse into figure before calling test_zoomin(), while it still did not work as intended.
Why zoom in with mouse scroll behaves so differently?
PS. Zoom in with the icon '+' on upper right of figure always work.
%% main.m
close all;
img = imread('pout.tif');
figure('Position',[1277 731 414 384]);imshow(img);
%% test_zoomin.m
function test_zoomin(h_fig)
if nargin < 1
h_fig = gcf;
Button = uicontrol('Parent',h_fig,'Style','pushbutton','String',...
'OK','Units','normalized','Position',[0.95 0.90 0.05 0.05],'Visible','on',...
'Tag', 'OKPushbutton', 'Callback', @pushbtn_callback);
uiwait; % wait until user click 'OK'
function pushbtn_callback(src, event)
uiresume(); %Resume execution of blocked program
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
yanqi liu
2021년 12월 17일
may be the mouse zoom is default
%% main.m
close all; clc; clear all;
img = imread('pout.tif');
hfig=figure('Units','normalized','Position',[0.05 0.05 0.85 0.85]);
ax = gca;
ax.Interactions = [zoomInteraction];
%% test_zoomin.m
function test_zoomin(h_fig)
if nargin < 1
h_fig = gcf;
ax = gca;
ax.Interactions = [zoomInteraction];
Button = uicontrol('Parent',h_fig,'Style','pushbutton','String',...
'OK','Units','normalized','Position',[0.90 0.50 0.05 0.05],'Visible','on',...
'Tag', 'OKPushbutton', 'Callback', @pushbtn_callback);
uiwait; % wait until user click 'OK'
function pushbtn_callback(src, event)
uiresume(); %Resume execution of blocked program
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