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Why I am getting "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals." error, while using PSO algorithm in MATLAB. How to fix this?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hello Sir/Madam,
I am getting "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals." error while running pso algorithm in matlab. It is showing that the error exists in the 6th line of my objective function (i.e LoadFlow.m), but I have to make that variable negative for my objective function to work correctly. It is also showing error in line 53 of the pso.m file which I cannot understand.
This is the pso algorithm I used:
%% Problem Definition
CostFunction = @(x) LoadFlow(x); % Cost Function
nVar = 2; % Number of Decision Variables
VarSize = [1 nVar]; % Size of Decision Variables Matrix
VarMin = [2 1]; % Lower Bound of Variables
VarMax = [33 100]; % Upper Bound of Variables
%% PSO Parameters
MaxIt = 1000; % Maximum Number of Iterations
nPop = 100; % Population Size (Swarm Size)
% PSO Parameters
w = 1; % Inertia Weight
wdamp = 0.99; % Inertia Weight Damping Ratio
c1 = 1.5; % Personal Learning Coefficient
c2 = 2.0; % Global Learning Coefficient
% Velocity Limits
VelMax = 0.1*(VarMax-VarMin);
VelMin = -VelMax;
%% Initialization
empty_particle.Position = [];
empty_particle.Cost = [];
empty_particle.Velocity = [];
empty_particle.Best.Position = [];
empty_particle.Best.Cost = [];
particle = repmat(empty_particle, nPop, 1);
GlobalBest.Cost = inf;
for i = 1:nPop
% Initialize Position
particle(i).Position = unifrnd(VarMin, VarMax, VarSize);
% Initialize Velocity
particle(i).Velocity = zeros(VarSize);
% Evaluation
particle(i).Cost = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
% Update Personal Best
particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;
particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;
% Update Global Best
if particle(i).Best.Cost<GlobalBest.Cost
GlobalBest = particle(i).Best;
BestCost = zeros(MaxIt, 1);
%% PSO Main Loop
for it = 1:MaxIt
for i = 1:nPop
% Update Velocity
particle(i).Velocity = w*particle(i).Velocity ...
+c1*rand(VarSize).*(particle(i).Best.Position-particle(i).Position) ...
% Apply Velocity Limits
particle(i).Velocity = max(particle(i).Velocity, VelMin);
particle(i).Velocity = min(particle(i).Velocity, VelMax);
% Update Position
particle(i).Position = particle(i).Position + particle(i).Velocity;
% Velocity Mirror Effect
IsOutside = (particle(i).Position<VarMin | particle(i).Position>VarMax);
particle(i).Velocity(IsOutside) = -particle(i).Velocity(IsOutside);
% Apply Position Limits
particle(i).Position = max(particle(i).Position, VarMin);
particle(i).Position = min(particle(i).Position, VarMax);
% Evaluation
particle(i).Cost = CostFunction(particle(i).Position);
% Update Personal Best
if particle(i).Cost<particle(i).Best.Cost
particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;
particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;
% Update Global Best
if particle(i).Best.Cost<GlobalBest.Cost
GlobalBest = particle(i).Best;
BestCost(it) = GlobalBest.Cost;
disp(['Iteration ' num2str(it) ': Best Cost = ' num2str(BestCost(it))]);
w = w*wdamp;
BestSol = GlobalBest;
This is my objective function:
function y = LoadFlow(x)
x1 = x(1);
x2 = x(2);
LD = load('linedata33bus.m'); % loading the branch data
BD = load('Busdata33bus.m'); % loading the bus data
BD(x1,2) = -x2;
BD(x1,3) = 0;
Sbase = 200;
Vbase = 11;
Zbase = (Vbase^2)/Sbase;
LD(:,4:5) = LD(:,4:5)/Zbase;
BD(:,2:3) = BD(:,2:3)/(1000*Sbase);
N = max(BD(:,1));
Sload = complex(BD(:,2),BD(:,3));
V = ones(size(BD,1),1);
Z = complex(LD(:,4),LD(:,5));
Ibranch = zeros(size(LD,1),1);
Iter = 1000;
for i = 1:Iter
Iload = conj(Sload./V);
for j = size(LD,1):-1:1
[c e] = find(LD(:,2:3) == LD(j,3));
if size(c,1) == 1
Ibranch(LD(j,1)) = Iload(LD(j,3));
Ibranch(LD(j,1)) = Iload(LD(j,3)) + sum(Ibranch(LD(c,1))) - Ibranch(LD(j,1));
for j = 1:size(LD,1)
V(LD(j,3)) = V(LD(j,2)) - Ibranch(LD(j,1))*Z(j);
y = real_power_loss(Z,Zbase,Ibranch,Vbase,Sbase);
Please help me.

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 12월 3일
편집: Image Analyst 2021년 12월 3일
x1 is probably either 0, negative, or a fractional (non-integer) number.
It's thoroughly discussed in the FAQ:
  댓글 수: 5
Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2021년 12월 3일
편집: Yongjian Feng 2021년 12월 3일
I see. It is more like a CSV file. If you load it as a matrix, then why do you need the index (x1 here) to be negative? Maybe you meant BD(x1, 2) is negative, instead of x1 being negative?
Baisakh Sarangi
Baisakh Sarangi 2021년 12월 3일
@Yongjian Feng sir, actually BD(x1, 2) represents real power load in my code and sir I want to insert a distributed generation(dg) unit supplying real power i.e x2 (varying from 1KW to 1000KW) to the distribution system and as real power is being supplied to the system instead of being taken from the system, that's why x2 has to be negative i.e (-1KW to -1000KW). Let's say if x1 = 3, then BD(3,2) represents 90, i.e 90KW and by doing BD(3,2) = -10 (let's say x2 = 10KW), i am connecting a dg unit with that bus(i.e bus 3), which will be supplying 10KW of power to the system.

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