How can I save graphics as pdf?

조회 수: 27 (최근 30일)
Pul 2021년 11월 19일
댓글: Pul 2021년 11월 25일
Hello everyone,
I'd like to save graphics as pdf and I tried in this way, but I can't get what I have to write instead of "myfigure".
Thank you!

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Dave B
Dave B 2021년 11월 19일
편집: Dave B 2021년 11월 19일
What you typed should work, it should save the current figure (gcf) as myfigure.pdf to the current directory.
I'd recommend using exportgraphics instead of saveas if you're using 2020a or later. exportgraphics is more modern and is graphics specific.
If you're not finding your pdf, is it possible you're not looking in the correct directory? The directory is shown near the top of the MATLAB desktop, but you can also see it by calling the function pwd.
If you didn't want to save the 'current figure' replace gcf with the figure number. Unfortunately this is slightly more complicated with exportgraphics
saveas(3,'foo.pdf'); % exports figure 3
exportgraphics(figure(3),'foo.pdf'); % exports figure 3
  댓글 수: 7
Dave B
Dave B 2021년 11월 24일
@Pul - the current figure is empty, if you're trying to save a specific figure please use the syntax shown in my snippet above.
Pul 2021년 11월 25일
Okay, thank you.

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