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How to output a value of an array for a specific value of time?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Abhinav Prashant Mohanakrishnan
Abhinav Prashant Mohanakrishnan 2014년 9월 18일
댓글: David Sanchez 2014년 9월 18일
I have the following section of code. I am generating arrays of t and v to create a plot.
wn and theta are given.
n=3; N=500; t=linspace(0,n*Tn,N); v=rho*cos(wn*t+theta);
Now how do I print the value of v for t=1?

답변 (1개)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2014년 9월 18일
idx = find(t==1);
or in a single line:
v( find(t==1) )
  댓글 수: 5
Abhinav Prashant Mohanakrishnan
Abhinav Prashant Mohanakrishnan 2014년 9월 18일
편집: Abhinav Prashant Mohanakrishnan 2014년 9월 18일
That's exactly my problem. I generated 't' to plot a displacement vs time graph but I also need the displacement value at time t. So now that 't' is an empty vector, I am not able to print anything. Is there a way to goal seek using linspace? Somehow include 1 in the series?
David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2014년 9월 18일
Absolutely, as explained by Daniel in http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/48942-insert-element-in-vector you can do this:
idx = find(t<1,1);
insert = @(a, x, n)cat(2, x(1:n), a, x(n+1:end)); % function to insert the value "a" in array "x" in position "n"
t = insert(1, t, idx); % now t contains the value "1"

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