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필터 지우기

Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1). Error in pij (line 14) pmat(k,n) = pis(k,1) .* tau(k,n); Error in pfij (line 18)

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Please my code is not running when I run the main script GE_fsolve. I can attached my main codes upon request. At the moment I inserted copies of all functions that I am using. Please kindly help me with this. Thanks!!!!
% Create output price function
function [Pis] = pis(wis)
global Ais beta IOcoef Nsec Ncoun
% reformat IOcoef to (NS,S) instead of the initial (NS,NS)
IOmat_cs_s = nan(Ncoun*Nsec,Nsec); %cs-s
for t = 1:1:Nsec
IOmat_cs_s(:,t) = sum(IOcoef(:,((t-1)*Ncoun+1):Ncoun*t),2); %cs-s
IOmat_cs = sum(IOmat_cs_s,2); %change IOcoef to (NS,1) instead of (NS,S)
% create matrix
pimat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,1);
% compute pis(NS,1)
for i = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
pimat(i) = ((beta(i)).^(-beta(i)) .* (1-beta(i)).^(-1+beta(i)))...
.*(wis(i).^beta(i) .* (IOmat_cs(i).*PMis(pij(pis(i)))).^(1-beta(i)))./Ais(i);
Pis = pimat; %(NS,1)
% Create pirce of output function
function [Pij] = pij(pis)
global tau Nsec Ncoun
% create matrix
pmat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun);
% solve for price of output(n,k)
for k = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
for n = 1:1:Ncoun
pmat(k,n) = pis(k) .* tau(k,n);
Pij = pmat; %(NS,N)
% Create CES final demand function
function [Fij] = fij(pis,wis,mij)
global alpha sigma Nsec Ncoun
% PFis = PFis(pij,sigma,Ncoun,Nsec)
% reformat sigma to (N*S,1) instead of initial (S,1)
for s = 1:1:Nsec
idx = 1+(s-1)*Ncoun:1:Ncoun*s; %for every s what is idx
SG(idx,1) = ones(Ncoun,1)*sigma(s); %for every s use the respective idx as row and multiply the actual s value by col vector
% create matrices
fmat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun);
for i = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
for j = 1:1:Ncoun
fmat(:,:) = alpha(i,j) .* (pij(pis(i,1))).^(-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun)))...
.*(PFis(pij(pis(i,1)))).^((SG*ones(1,Ncoun))-1) .* Yis(wis,pis,mij);
Fij = fmat; %(NS,N)
% Create CES intermediate demand function
function [Mij] = mij(pis,mij)
global gama rho Nsec Ncoun
% reformat rho to (N*S,1) instead of initial (S,1)
for s = 1:1:Nsec
idx = 1+(s-1)*Ncoun:1:Ncoun*s; %for every s what is idx
SG(idx,1) = ones(Ncoun,1)*rho(s); %for every s use the respective idx as row and multiply the actual s value by col vector
% create matrices
mmat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,Nsec*Ncoun);
for i = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
for j = 1:1:Ncoun
mmat(i,j) = gama(i,j) .* (pij(pis(i,1))).^(-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun)))...
.* (PMis(pij(pis(i,1)))).^((SG*ones(1,Ncoun))-1) .* IMis(pis,mij); %(NS,N)
Mij = mmat; %(NS*N)
% Create final demand total value of imports
function [Pfij] = pfij(pis,wis,mij)
global alpha sigma Nsec Ncoun
% reformat sigma to (N*S,1) instead of initial (S,1)
for s = 1:1:Nsec
idx = 1+(s-1)*Ncoun:1:Ncoun*s; %for every s what is idx
SG(idx,1) = ones(Ncoun,1)*sigma(s); %for every s use the respective idx as row and multiply the actual s value by col vector
% create matrices
pfmat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun);
for i = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
for j = 1:1:Ncoun
pfmat(:,:) = alpha(i,j) .* (pij(pis(i,1))).^(1-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun)))...
.*(PFis(pij(pis(i,1)))).^(1-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun))) .* Yis(wis,pis,mij);
Pfij = pfmat; %(NS,N)
% Create intermediate demand total value of imports
function [Pmij] = pmij(pis,mij)
global gama rho Nsec Ncoun
% reformat rho to (N*S,1) instead of initial (S,1)
for s = 1:1:Nsec
idx = 1+(s-1)*Ncoun:1:Ncoun*s; %for every s what is idx
SG(idx,1) = ones(Ncoun,1)*rho(s); %for every s use the respective idx as row and multiply the actual s value by col vector
% create matrices
pmmat = zeros(Nsec*Ncoun,Nsec*Ncoun);
for i = 1:1:Nsec*Ncoun
for j = 1:1:Ncoun
pmmat(i,j) = gama(i,j) .* (pij(pis(i,1))).^(1-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun)))...
.* (PMis(pij(pis(i,1)))).^(1-(SG*ones(1,Ncoun))) .* IMis(pis,mij); %(NS,N)
Pmij = pmmat; %(NS,N)
% Solve GE Model
function syseqn = GEsol(x)
global Ais Lis beta IOmat_cs Ncoun
% Define unknown variables x
% Break x into 4 separate variables
% System x=( mij, fij, pis, wi )
% (N*S,N*S) (N*S,N) (N*S,1) (NS,1)
mij = x(:,1:Ncoun);
fij = x(:,Ncoun+1:end-2);
pis = x(:,end-1);
wis = x(:,end);
% Safeguard restrictions
tol = 1e-10; %Tolerance, use to keep certain variables away from zero
mij = max(mij, tol);
fij = max(fij, tol);
pis = max(pis, tol);
wis = max(wis, tol);
% Equations to be solve simultaneously
eq1 = pij(pis).*fij - pfij(pis,wis,mij); %final demand import
eq2 = pij(pis).*mij - pmij(pis,wis,mij); %intermeditate demand import
eq3 = pis - (beta.^(-beta).*(1-beta).^(-1+beta))...
.* (wis.^beta .* (IOmat_cs.*PMis(pij(pis))).^(1-beta))./Ais; %output price equation
eq4 = Lis - (((sum(fij,2) + sum(mij,2)))./Ais) * ((beta.*PMis(pij(pis)))./...
((1-beta)*wis)).^(1-beta); %labor market clearing condition
syseqn = [eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4];
% Main Script PrograM
% ***********************************
close all;
global alpha gama sigma rho tau Ais Lis beta IOcoef IOmat_cs Nsec Ncoun
% Define country-sector inputs %
Nsec = 2;
Ncoun = 4;
% Define parameters %
sigma = 5*ones(Nsec,1); %elasticity of substitution for households
rho = 5*ones(Nsec,1); %elasticity of substitution for firm
beta = 0.6*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,1); %value-added share
Lis = 1*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,1); %labor (supply) endowment
Ais = 1*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,1); %TFP
tau = 1.5*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun); %tariff
alpha = 0.6*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun); %sector share of expenditure for final demand
gama = 0.4*ones(Nsec*Ncoun,Ncoun); %sector share of expenditure for intermediate demand
IOcoef = importdata('IOcoef.txt');
% reformat IOcoef to (NS,S) instead of the initial (NS,NS)
IOmat_cs_s = nan(Ncoun*Nsec,Nsec); %cs-s
for t = 1:1:Ncoun
IOmat_cs_s(:,t) = sum(IOcoef(:,((t-1)*Nsec+1):Nsec*t),2); %cs-s
IOmat_cs = sum(IOmat_cs_s,2); %change IOcoef to (NS,1) instead of (NS,S)
% % parameters put in a vector to enable easy passing to the function
% P = [beta,Lis,Ais,IOcoef];
% Solve non-linear equations(fsolve) %
options = optimset('Display', 'iter', 'MaxFunEvals', 20000, 'MaxIter', 20000, 'TolFun', 1e-10, 'TolX', 1e-10);
% initial guess vakues for x matrix
x0 = 0.5.*ones(8,10);
% call output of equation function under initial guess
% syseqn = GEsol(x0,P);
% syseqn = GEsol(x0,P,Nsec,Ncoun);
syseqn = GEsol(x0);
% fsolve solves the function by looking for matrix x0 using initial guess
% x = fsolve('GEsol', x0, options,P);
x = fsolve('GEsol', x0, options);
% solution of the model in terms of x
mij = x(:,1:Ncoun);
fij = x(:,Ncoun+1:end-2);
pis = x(:,end-1);
wis = x(:,end);
  댓글 수: 55
Celestine Siameh
Celestine Siameh 2021년 9월 19일
Thanks for the response, please did you arrive at anything for me. Also, what is 3^76 tests to verify that you are at minima??
I am still new to all this, so sorry if I am asking lot of questions.
Celestine Siameh
Celestine Siameh 2021년 9월 19일
Tested code to go at the end of your current code:
Does that mean same m file. but the tested code will be at the bottom of it. Thanks.

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채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 9월 19일
Consolidated code, as you are having difficulty understanding me:
I do not recommend running this with maximum function evaluations set to 1e8, which is what I am currently running on my system. The display of all those iterations slows the program down a lot.
1e7 function evaluations took about half an hour on my system. I estimate it would take closer to an hour on your system, based upon the times you reported earlier.
  댓글 수: 52
Celestine Siameh
Celestine Siameh 2021년 10월 27일
Please I do not mean you should solve for me, I meant you should give me some guidelines on using the fixed point iteration method. I will then solve it myself with that approach and only contact you when I have some errors.
Celestine Siameh
Celestine Siameh 2021년 11월 10일
편집: Celestine Siameh 2021년 11월 10일
Please can you check the below code for me. I used fixed point iteration to solve but I get all output to be NAN. which I believe is wrong. Please kindly check for me. Attached is my matlab code.

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