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arrayfun once with 4 variables, or twice with 2 in each, then mult. Why do these two approaches give different solutions?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I have the following code to achieve W_n
clear all; close all;
L_x = 27.4e-3; % membrane width (m)
L_y = 27.4e-3; % membrane height (m)
N_x = 3; % no. of x dim. eigenfreqs
N_y = 3; % no. of y dim. eigenfreqs
N = N_x*N_y; % total no. of eigenfreqs
numX = 101; % no. of x-dir. mapping points
numY = 101; % no. of y-dir. mapping points
xs = linspace(0,L_x,numX); % x-dir. membrane mapping points
ys = linspace(0,L_y,numY); % y-dir. membrane mapping points
[X,Y] = meshgrid(ys,xs); % create X and Y array in 2d
XFull = repmat(X, [1 1 N]); % modify X and Y array for 3d
YFull = repmat(Y, [1 1 N]); % modify X and Y array for 3d
R = ones(numX, numY, N_x);% create mode array for X
RFull = []; % create an empty array (0 by 0)
for n = 1:N_x
RFull = cat(3, RFull, n*R);
S = ones(numX, numY); % create mode array for Y
SFull = []; % create an empty array (0 by 0)
for n = 1:N_y
SFull = cat(3, SFull, n*S);
SFull = repmat(SFull, [1 1 N_x]);
A = ones(numX, numY, N_x);% create mode array for X
AFull = []; % create an empty array (0 by 0)
for n = 1:N_x
AFull = cat(3, AFull, n*A);
B = ones(numX, numY); % create mode array for Y
BFull = []; % create an empty array (0 by 0)
for n = 1:N_y
BFull = cat(3, BFull, n*B);
BFull = repmat(BFull, [1 1 N_x]);
% 1st method
W_n_i = arrayfun(@(x,r,y,s)sin(x.*r*pi/L_x).*sin(y.*s*pi/L_y)...
% 2nd method
% W_n_x = arrayfun(@(x,r)sin(x.*(r*pi/L_x)), XFull, RFull);
% W_n_y = arrayfun(@(y,s)sin(y.*(s*pi/L_y)), YFull, SFull);
% W_n_ii = W_n_x .* W_n_y; % mode superposition
W_n = W_n_i; % choose 'i' or 'ii'
I can't work out why W_n_i is different to W_n_ii.
Could anyone help me to see why this is?
Many thanks in advance.

채택된 답변

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming 2014년 7월 2일
Your calculations are not the same, in the second method you have:
in the first you have:
Note the extra brackets in the first method.
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