Delete rows from a cell given a specific condition - Matlab

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Maria 2014년 6월 25일
댓글: Maria 2014년 6월 25일
I have a cell type big-variable sorted out by FIRM (A(:,2)) and I want to erase all the rows in which the same firm doesn’t appear at least 5 times in a row. In this example, A:
1997 'ABDR' 0,56 464 1641 19970224
1997 'ABDR' 0,65 229 9208 19970424
1997 'ABDR' 0,55 125 31867 19970218
1997 'ABDR' 0,53 31 33103 19970206
1997 'ABDR' 0,70 464 46008 19971023
1997 'ABD' 0,06 435 8077 19970311
1997 'ABD' 0,00 1503 44994 19970804
1997 'ABFI' 2,07 1549 46532 19971209
I would like to get, A:
1997 'ABDR' 0,56 464 1641 19970224
1997 'ABDR' 0,65 229 9208 19970424
1997 'ABDR' 0,55 125 31867 19970218
1997 'ABDR' 0,53 31 33103 19970206
1997 'ABDR' 0,70 464 46008 19971023
Can someone help me please? Thanks a lot.

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dpb 2014년 6월 25일
Working just with the alpha column,
>> c={'ABDR';'ABDR';'ABDR';'ABDR';'ABDR';'ABD';'ABD';'ABFI'};
>> [u,~,i2]=unique(c);
>> [n,bin]=histc(i2,1:length(u));
>> c(bin==find(n>=5))
ans =
  댓글 수: 5
dpb 2014년 6월 25일
Yes, it is not working!
Well, need to see what isn't working and what the problem(s) are...can't see your terminal from here, unfortunately.
Maria 2014년 6월 25일
I am sorry. I didn't mean to say 'it's not working!' the way it sounded. I am working on the code, I will let you know if I have any problem, or doubt and in case I do, I will clearly present my doubts. Thank you :)

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