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linearization of a non linear dinamic system

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Antonio 2014년 6월 5일
편집: Star Strider 2014년 9월 14일
hi, I have to analyze the step response of a system of two differential equations:
the input of the system is delta and the output variables are vy and r. vyp=dvy/dt and rp=dr/dt. The other terms are constant. I think I have to linearizate this system but I have some problems about it. Any suggestions?

답변 (1개)

Andreas Surya Sitorus
Andreas Surya Sitorus 2014년 9월 14일
I've some example for your case, by using JACOBIAN Matrix, may be it can help : % Variables declaration syms U1 U2 U3 U4 Omega Ixx Iyy Izz p q r phi theta psi syms dphi dtheta dpsi dp dq dr dW1 dW2 dW3 dW4 v1 v2 v3 v4 syms l b d m g Res J_TP K_M K_E W1 W2 W3 W4 dfxu x u
% Non Linear Diff.Equation dp=[((Iyy-Izz)*q*r/Ixx)-(J_TP*q*Omega/Ixx)+U2/Ixx] dq=[((Izz-Ixx)*p*r/Iyy)+(J_TP*p*Omega/Iyy)+U3/Iyy] dr=[((Ixx-Iyy)*p*q/Izz)+U4/Izz] dphi=[p+q*tan(theta)*sin(phi)+r*tan(theta)*cos(phi)] dtheta=[q*cos(phi)- r*sin(phi)] dpsi=[q*sec(theta)*sin(phi)+r*sec(theta)*cos(phi)]
% Non Linear State Space Equation dfxu=[dp;dq;dr;dphi;dtheta;dpsi;]
% State variable & Nonlinear Input Declaration x=[p; q; r; phi; theta; psi; ] u=[U2 U3 U4]
% Find matrix jacobian A & B A=jacobian(dfxu,x) B=jacobian(dfxu,u)
% substite parameter values & variable As=subs(A) Bs=subs(B)


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