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read the value of radio button with push button call back

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Zine 2014년 4월 4일
답변: Zine 2014년 4월 4일
I created a programmatic gui that calls another gui (included in the same .m file), that second gui has several uicontrols and has a group of three radio buttons and a push button, I want to get which radio button is selected in the group when clicking the push button, I am a beginner with Matlab so I tried several methods but I did not achieve my objective, the push button call back is after the group creation code
how to do that please, Thanks in advance
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2014년 4월 4일
Without seeing the code, it is hard to guess, what might help you efficiently. We cannot imagine e.g., if you store the handles by setappdata or guidata or perhaps in the figure's UserData. Please post more details and show, what you have tried already.
Zine 2014년 4월 4일
Hi Jan, thanks for reply, I used first the simple code inside the pushbutton callback:
function []=pbtransvalid_Call(hObject, eventdata, handles,varargin)
global myData
value1 = get(handles.ksigmazero, 'value');
value2 = get(handles.sigmazero, 'value');
value3 = get(handles.nonzero, 'value');
if value1
myData.valt = 100;
elseif value2
myData.valt = 200;
elseif value3
myData.valt = 300;
myData is global data structure that I use for all the program declared in the first line of each function or callback as
global myData
if I send the initial status of the group it will not help because the user changes the status before pushing valid button, it sends an error message saying
Undefined function 'pbtransvalid_call' for input arguments of
type 'double'.
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

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Zine 2014년 4월 4일
Thanks to whom answered and tried to answer me; I found a solution for that by using this answer just adjust it according to the problem

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