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Prove a property when it is spent a time T?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Andrea 2014년 3월 4일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
I have a model which represents a big system of the equations.
On this model I should prove a property (e.g. the output Yn = 0) when the input (e.g. Xk) has as value 1. Is it possible?
My problem contains two question:
  1. Is it possible to give a set of signal builders to Design Verifier to prove a property?
  2. Is it possible to enable Design Verifier to prove a property when an event occurs (in my case Xk =1)?
I hope to explain clearly my problem, thanks in advance for your replies
Andrea (I am a man :) )

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