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the tag is assigned to more than one component matlab gui

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Elia 2014년 1월 8일
댓글: jacky chen 2014년 1월 10일
i have created 2 edit boxes ,then i deleted one of them and kept the other with same Tag of the removed box . I edit the callback function of the new box , but it doesn't execute the code . howe can i solve this problem ?
best regards sam

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 1월 8일
Just start over (with those two controls). Delete the remaining one. Then, just to be sure, search for the two original tag names in the m-file and delete any callback you see associated with those names. Then place a new control and edit the tag property to give it the name you want.

추가 답변 (1개)

jacky chen
jacky chen 2014년 1월 8일
when you create 2 edit boxes ,you have got 2 handle(Tag), they are must different, so you do not use the tag of the removed one , there must be another Tag(the box you left) in your handles.
  댓글 수: 2
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 1월 8일
It's not clear so this is what I figured must have happened. He created two boxes with tags edit1 and edit2. Then he deleted edit 1. Then he edited the tag of edit2 to change it to edit 1. But that should be okay and not produce the problem he mentioned, so that's why I said to just start over because some got messed up somehow and his explanation is not telling the whole story.
jacky chen
jacky chen 2014년 1월 10일
ok, just start over,enjoy

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