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조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Murali Mohan
Murali Mohan 2011년 7월 8일
Can you pls guide me,how to make button action i mean, whne the mouse button is click it has to perform action1,when mouse button relases it has to perform action2.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Friedrich 2011년 7월 8일
I think you are looking for the WindowButtonDownFcn and WindowButtonUpFcn. You can find an example called window_motion_test.m in $MATLABROOT\help\techdoc\ref\examples.
  댓글 수: 2
Murali Mohan
Murali Mohan 2011년 7월 8일
Thank Friedrich for your reply,
I have callback in gui like
function activex4_OnMouseDown(hObject, eventdata, handles)
function activex4_OnMouseUp(hObject, eventdata, handles)
when I pressed the button, its going correct.when i released the button its going to action2, againg going back to action1.
i want to stop going back.
guide me how can i do it.
Friedrich 2011년 7월 8일
This shouldnt happen normally. When clicking on a button the callback from the button is raised and the WindowButtonDownFcn. maybe something goes wrong here?

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