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How to detect and send digital I/O using matlab? (not simulink)

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Kelly 2013년 12월 5일
댓글: Kelly 2013년 12월 12일
How to use matlab to detect and generate digital input output form a NiDAQ using matlab?
I do not want to use simulink. Is that even possible? I have a sensor and a LED light. When I put my figure near the sensor the LED turn on, when I let go the LED will go off. IS that even possible in Matlab? I believe matlab don't run things continuously.
e.g while (true) If detect digital signal iniput from port 0 line 0 (Sensor) pause(.1) send digital signal output to port 0 line 1 (LED) pause(.1) send the inverse siganl to port 0 line 1 (turn off LED) end

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 12월 5일
You already asked that three times before. Search the documentation for DIO
  댓글 수: 16
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013년 12월 11일
Legacy interface instead of Session-based interface should be fine. You will need at least R2011b for the session-based interface for that device, and I see noted some bugs for support of the device before R2011b (but I did not cross-check which interface that was for.)
Beyond that I will need to research more.
Kelly 2013년 12월 12일
DIO = digitalio('nidaq','Dev1')
Error using digitalio (line 117) Failure to find requested data acquisition device: nidaqmx.
The legacy interface isn't working probably, but it doesn't matter to me anyways. I just want it to work. So to the question. how to do the following with session base interface?
% code
If (digital output at port 0 line 1 == True) % sensor detection
send digital output to port 0 line 2; turn on led
send an inverse output to port 0 line 2; turn off led

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Kelly 2013년 12월 6일
^ what do you mean by the documentation of DIO


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