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c files compilation using Matlab coder

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
1 1
1 1 2013년 11월 12일
답변: Ryan Livingston 2013년 11월 18일
Hi, i am using several *.m files together with mex files for my project. Is there a possibility to compile using matlab coder mex files too? seems that it is not recognizing those functions... using MCC there is a possibility to do it jjust by adding those mex files to compilation, but how it can be done using matlab coder? Thanks in advance Avi

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Ryan Livingston
Ryan Livingston 2013년 11월 18일
If you are generating a MEX function with MATLAB Coder then you can call the MEX files extrisically:
So, if the MEX function you are calling is "someMexFcn" you can use:
y = foo(x)
% Use someMexFcn here
in your MATLAB code.

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